Math or Drama

You Either Have a Math Problem or a Drama Problem

October 05, 20244 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Saturday, 1:48 p.m

Dear Friend,

This morning I was driving my lime green Tesla Model S Plaid in (actually) a responsible fashion. One of the mechanisms that was keeping me in line and under the speed limit was my decision to listen to a podcast by Russell Brunson. Russell Brunson is a fantastic human being and a brilliant marketer.

In a recent episode of one of his podcasts, he was coaching the YouTube expert and soon-to-be productivity junkie, Ali Abdaal. (I say that tongue in cheek——I think productivity is overrated. Creativity over productivity.)


During this coaching session, Ali was struggling with something. He seemed to experience some inner resistance around growing his online community too fast. He seemed to not want to sacrifice the quality of the community.

Russell Brunson then introduced a framework that he first learned from a real housewife-looking life coach named Brooke Castillo. Brooke Castillo says that whenever anyone comes to her with a problem regarding business or life, it falls under one of two categories:

The Problem is Either a Math Problem or a Drama Problem

Russell pointed out that the internal resistance going on in Ali's subconscious mind was actually a drama problem. The math was there. You see, all Ali had to do is tweak a few things and he could scale his community to 10 times the number of members. However, there was a drama problem that was circulating in his mind——preventing him from making that exponential leap.

I think that this is a brilliant mental model for thinking through things. While listening to this podcast, it occurred to me just how many people I see experiencing the exact same dilemma. Most of the time, people can't break through their current limiter because they're really experiencing a drama problem and not a math problem.

I see this when people are trying to wrap their heads around the business model that I teach in Write To Freedom. I run a writing incubator in which I personally work with people and help them implement the same business model that I get to enjoy. My business model centers around making six figures by writing one thing a month——and a core mechanism for doing that revolves around an analog monthly newsletter.

The business math is actually very simple. If you want to make $10,000 a month by writing one thing a month, all you need is 172 subscribers.

That's it!

You see, so many people get distracted by every single other variable in their environment. They get distracted, especially by their own internal variables going on in their head——the "drama" going on in their mind.

This is why I want you to extinguish the drama and open your mind to the possibility that in six months from now, you can be making $20,000 a month by writing one thing a month. The math is there, and more importantly, I am here to help you do it.

If you would like me to personally work with you to help you implement this business model——which will allow you to spend your days reading, writing, thinking, and taking notes while making $20,000 per month in recurring income——then go ahead and watch the video that I've outlined below:

After watching, we can have a friendly, casual discussion about any questions you have. If it's a fit, great. If not, great——but at least you'll be educated about the best business model out there for creating the lifestyle you truly want.

If that sounds like something you'd like——then I implore you to watch this video now. It could be the spark that ignites in you a new fire to create the life you've dreamed about.

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Wants to Help You Overcome Both the Math Problem and the Drama Problem of Becoming a Successful Independent Writer!"

P.S. This email is going out to over 18,000 people now. I have only a few spots left to work with me in my writing incubator. Therefore——if you want me to personally help you write and launch a book that brings in an additional $20,000 per month in recurring revenue, then please watch the above video today.

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