A thought

A thought

October 14, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Sunday, 8:13 a.m

Dear Friend,

As I sit in my Eames Lounge Chair on this peaceful Sunday, I wanted to write to you. I wanted to write to you because I've been thinking about a certain topic. And in my deliberations, I've come to an insight that could be the fire that ignites your motivation this week. What is this topic I've been meditating about on this peaceful Sunday? I'll tell you what it is. It's...


I want you to close your eyes and imagine something. Imagine you're on your deathbed, your body barely clinging to life. The room is filled with the sterile smell of disinfectant and the rhythmic beeping of machines. Your loved ones surround you, their faces blurred by your fading vision.

There's a gnawing emptiness in your gut, a void that can never be filled. It's not the pain of your failing organs that torments you. No, it's something far worse.

It's the book you never wrote. The unique perspective you never shared. The writer you never became.

As your last breaths rattle in your chest, you're haunted by visions of the life you could have lived. The readers you could have touched. The legacy you could have left behind. But now, it's all slipping away, forever out of reach.

One of the most agonizing regrets of the dying isn't what they did, but what they did not do. The risks they were too afraid to take.

The Dreams They Let Wither and Die

Now, snap your eyes open. You're back in the present, heart pounding, palms sweating. But here's the thrilling part - you're alive. You still have time. The opportunity to write, to share, to leave your mark on the world is right here, right now.

I don't want that nightmarish vision to become your reality. In fact, I'm willing to do everything I can to ensure that does not happen to you.

Listen: You're never going to feel completely ready to be a writer. That confidence, that lack of fear? It doesn't come before you've written. It comes after. Let me let you in on a secret...

You Don’t Need to Be an Expert to Start Writing!

Your unique perspective is valuable. You can share as you learn. Think about it. What would you say to yourself four years ago that would help you? Or even better, what would you say to yourself ten years ago? That knowledge, that experience you've gained over the years——that's valuable. Someone out there needs to hear it.

I remember when I first started writing about the Antinet Zettelkasten. I wasn't an expert. I was learning as I went along. But I shared my journey, my discoveries, my struggles. And you know what? People resonated with that. They appreciated the authenticity, the real-time learning.

That's the power of writing as you learn. You're inviting your readers on a journey with you. You're growing together. So, if you're waiting to feel ready, stop. If you're waiting until you're an "expert," stop waiting. Start writing now. Start sharing now.

Because here's the truth: Once you start writing, once you've put your thoughts down on paper and shared them with the world, that is when you'll start to feel ready. That's when the confidence will come.

And that's exactly what I help people do in my writing incubator, Write to Freedom. I guide you through the process of finding your voice, sharing your unique perspective, and yes, making a substantial income from your writing.

In fact, I'm so confident in this process that I'm offering a seemingly insane guarantee.

That guarantee is this: If you are accepted into Write to Freedom, I will personally work with you until I get you to $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue.

Let me be crystal clear——that means $10,000 per month in recurring revenue. Money that comes in month after month after month. And once that is set up, you will then get the system that allowed me to scale to over 7 figures per year.

This isn't a pipe dream. This isn't a "maybe." This is a guarantee. I will be by your side until you get there. I will carefully refine and hone every aspect of your niche, idea, book until it works.

All of this revolves around building a simple but extremely effective business built around analog knowledge. It's the exact same model I use to make multiple six figures writing one thing a month.


If you want to spend your days reading, writing, thinking and taking notes (in your Zettelkasten)——while also making $10,000+ per month doing so——

Then what I'm going to present to you today will be the most important message of your life.

The message I want to present you with is this: drop everything you're doing and watch the following 44-minute video that details everything:


After watching, we can have a friendly, casual discussion about any questions you have. If it's a fit, great. If not, great——but at least you'll be educated about the best business model out there for independent thinkers and creators like yourself.

Remember, I only have a few spots available because I personally dedicate significant time to each person I work with. This is an intensive, personalized incubator designed to help you create something that truly matters.

If there is a fit, then I promise you this: You are about to undertake the most exciting intellectual and financial journey of your lifetime.

Please note: This message is being sent out to over 22,000 independent writers, creators, and thinkers. I like to work with each of my people personally——which means——I have a limited capacity of how many people I can bring on under my wing.

For this reason——I would like to implore you to watch the following video ASAP:


Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Wants to Help You Write Those Words Only YOU Can Write!"

P.S. This email is going out to over 22,000 people now. I have only a few spots left to work with me in my writing incubator. Therefore——if you want me to personally help you write and launch a book that brings in an additional $10,000 per month in recurring revenue——guaranteed, then please watch the above video today.

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I am a man on a mission to create an army of independent writers, creators, and thinkers who make a killer living.



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Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. PT



​+1 (949) 835-5125


30021 Tomas St, Suite 300, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688


Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. PT

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