Alive in the Fire

New Book: Writing as Healing ("Alive in the Fire")

June 18, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Santa Margarita, California
Tuesday, 2:02 p.m


Dear Friend,

Today, I would like to share a book that will completely re-align the rest of your year (and potentially your life).

The book is called Alive in the Fire by Rachel Warmath.

This book is unlike anything else you've ever read. It leverages a technique known as self-memoiring. This entails writing your own memoir in order to unlock lifelong growth.

Self-memoiring is similar to self-authoring, a concept introduced by Jordan Peterson. Unlike self-authoring, self-memoiring is geared towards output——that is, writing focused on benefiting others (not only oneself).

Rachel's book is unique in that the first three parts are in memoir form. As a result, you're going to experience the following aspects as you read it:

1) You're going to experience an emotional "punch in the gut"

Rachel's book is raw. It's packed with sadness, triumphs, fear, pain, joy——all the ranges of human experience. Rachel shares things many authors don't have the courage to share. However, the truth is——all of us have experienced similar events in our lives.

While reading Rachel's book, you're going to encounter feelings that hit very close to home. This is a good thing. Emotion drives change, not logic. As a result, you'll be motivated to take action——to re-align your life. You will move towards the life of purpose you were born to pursue.

2) You will unearth lessons anchored in reality

Have you noticed a trend in self-development? Authors simply make a list of platonic concepts like, "The 7 Steps of Success." Then, they write a book about it. Their book is filled with confirmation bias. They cherry-pick popular quotes and biographies to back their "7 Steps." Here's my opinion…

Those Types of Books Are Hogwash!

Those types of books are called, concept-anchored books. They result in changes that are very short term.

What you want are books that result in lifelong change. Lifelong change does not happen through concept-anchored books. Rather…

Lifelong Change Happens Through Memoir-Anchored Books

Your life will shift when you start reading memoir-anchored books. The reason why is simple. Memoir-anchored books are centered around truth——they're centered around reality. They're based in sharing real, raw, authentic stories. From these stories, you can unearth lessons that impact the rest of your life.

For example…

One year from now, when you're standing in line at your favorite coffee shop, there's a good chance you'll be going through something. You may experience sadness, irritation, or fear. At that moment, you'll be playing videos in your mind of the past or future. At that very moment——while you're standing in line——you're going to think about an experience you read about in Alive in the Fire. You're going to recall how similar Rachel's experience was to what you're going through right then and there. You're going to remember how Rachel navigated the situation. You're going to recall how she grew from the experience. This is going to save you from spiraling down a path you could have avoided.

That is one small example of how this book will reshape your life.

In addition to this…

3) You will experience the power of "self-memoiring"

As mentioned, the first three parts of Alive in the Fire are in memoir form. You will experience first-hand how powerful this practice of self-memoiring is.

After you finish the first three parts, Rachel details how to write your own healing journey.

The final two parts of the book cover writing rituals and prompts you can use to completely transform your life.

Warning: There is a writing exercise in Rachel's book that may seem unsettling at first. It deals with your own death. However, trust me——if you take this writing exercise seriously, it will immediately change the rest of your life.

No longer will you put up with life-draining activities that get in the way of your true purpose.

The only question left is…

How to Order The Book:

Alive in the Fire is available exclusively on Rachel's website. By grabbing a copy of Rachel's book, you're not only supporting an independent writer, you're also making a decision to re-align your life towards your true purpose.

This brings me to the good news (for my readers)…

For a limited time, you can get Rachel's book delivered to your doorstep for only $9.95! (This includes shipping worldwide!)

Her book also comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you're unsatisfied, for whatever reason (although I doubt you will be because Rachel's book is amazing)——then regardless, you have nothing to worry about. Rachel will take care of you.

Anyway, here's the link where you can grab a copy of the book (at the special discount price):

Note: If the price goes up by the time you read this, I apologize. For now at least, you can get it for only $9.95 total (includes shipping worldwide!)

Be swift,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Looks Forward to Becoming Alive in The Fire"

P.S. I do not get an affiliate fee for promoting Rachel's book. I'm doing it because, (a) I've read Alive in the Fire and I think it has the potential to change the rest of your life, and (b) I've worked closely with Rachel over the past three months through my writing incubator, Write to Freedom. In doing so, I've seen Rachel's values and principles up close, first hand. Trust me. You would do well to not only pick up Rachel's book, but also take up her special offer (you'll see this after you purchase her book).


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