Book Guarneri

New Book! Relieve Anxiety & Depression with Ancient Wisdom

June 13, 20248 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Santa Margarita, California
Thursday, 4:26 p.m


Dear Friend,

This will only pertain to you if:

(1) You are suffering from anxiety and depression (or have suffered from anxiety and depression in the past).

(2) You are open to an alternative path to treating anxiety and depression——a path that does not involve swallowing a cocktail of meds and visiting a talk therapist who, for the thousandth time asks, "OK, but how does that make you feel?"

If this speaks to you, then I'm going to share a book that could very well change the course of your life.

Before I tell you about it, I need to tell you about its author…

Michael Guarneri

Michael Guarneri is a thickly-bearded New Yorker from Long Island. He has a very high intellect and is sharp as they come. Michael had a long and successful career as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) specializing in complex tax law.

Michael's ancestral roots trace back to ancient Ireland. (This is partly why he's developed a fascination with ancient wisdom.)

Do you know what happens when you mix a Long-Islander, a CPA, and a bearded Irishman?

You get…

A Man Who Isn't Afraid to Call Out Bullshit!

That's right. Michael Guarneri is very quick to sniff out bullshit. I've seen it firsthand. He'll stop me in my tracks and say, "Wait, that doesn't make sense, Scott. Please explain such-and-such to me." Only after I outline the rationale in minute detail can he proceed.

This is a good thing. All highly-intelligent thinkers must be explicit in their rationale. Otherwise, it's a slippery slope into the land of pseudoscience.

This is a valuable skill to have. I'm talking about the skill of discernment and precision. This is what creates "honest research." This helped Michael in the realm of finance and accounting. However…

Pursuing Honest Research in The Field of Ancient Druid and Celtic Wisdom Can Be Challenging!

Why? Because not much is known about such fields. As a result, what you end up with is a bunch of hippies. That's right. You get a bunch of "new agey" folks who stroke a rabbit's foot and expect it to magically cure anxiety and depression.

Such practices don't work. They've given "ancient wisdom" a bad name. This is what set Michael on a journey——a "skeptic's journey," as he terms it. Michael set out on a quest to unearth ancient wisdom——from credible sources——and test its effects on treating anxiety and depression.

At this point, you may be wondering, "Why does Michael care so much about treating anxiety and depression?" The answer is…

Two Years Ago, Michael Suffered a Mental Breakdown

Michael was jolted upright at 2 a.m. one night. His wife began panicking. Michael couldn't breathe. He was sweating profusely. The sweat was cold. His heart was pounding. His heartbeat was so loud he couldn't hear anything.

"I thought I was dying," Michael told me. As it turned out, Michael suffered an "extremely severe anxiety attack."

It took Michael a week for his vitals to get back to normal. After that, what ensued was a year of psych meds and talk therapy. Every few weeks, Michael would visit his doctor. The doctor would look at Michael and begin playing "antidepressant roulette."

Michael's doctor would ask, "How are such-and-such meds treating you?"

"Fine," Michael would reply.

"OK, great. Let's try this new mix this week!"

After dishing out $200 for yet another prescription, Michael would try it and then go back to his doctor the next week. After each visit, Michael would be prescribed a new mix of meds. Some weeks the meds would work——but then, he'd experience awful side effects——like "tinnitus" (which is like having your eardrum beat in with a wooden mallet).

Combined with this, Michael began meeting with a therapist. It was helpful——at first——but soon, it ran its course.

Talk therapy only gets you so far. Believe it or not, discussing "trauma" and things that "trigger" you, doesn't magically solve life's problems.

After a year…

Michael Was Fed Up With Prescription Cocktails and Talk Therapy!

A psychiatrist is just a legal drug dealer, and a talk therapist gets paid to listen to problems, not solve them. Therefore, Michael decided to explore an alternative path for treating anxiety and depression.

Michael set out on a quest to find ancient treatments for anxiety and depression——however, (and here's the key)…

Michael Would Only Bring Back Practices Rooted in History and Science

Michael initially set out to investigate ancient Celtic and druid treatments for anxiety and depression. Why? Because his previous trip to Ireland had cured his anxiety and depression. "There was something special ingrained deep into the landscape," Michael said.

Michael began researching this field, but unfortunately, he didn't get too far. You see——there is not much historically accurate research in this field.

Michael was committed to unearthing ancient wisdom with a strong historical and scientific backing. Therefore, he began exploring other fields.

Eventually, Michael stumbled across the field of…

Ancient Alchemy

Alchemy is the medieval equivalent of chemistry. Primarily, alchemists were concerned with turning matter into gold.

This was a fascinating new field for Michael. The best part of alchemy is that there is a reliable source of literature and research backing it.

While researching alchemy, Michael discovered something intriguing. You see, the ancient alchemists sourced much of their wisdom from something called…

The Emerald Tablet

Also known as the "Tabula Smaragdina," this tablet contained deep wisdom and is said to be attributed to, Hermes Trismegistus, an ancient Egyptian sage.

Michael spent a seemingly insane amount of time researching the translation of the Emerald Tablet. He deciphered its symbolism and interpretations.

The ancient alchemists held that the Emerald Tablet held the key to turning lead into gold. However, when Michael analyzed the text, he found it wasn't about turning actual lead into gold. Rather…

The Emerald Tablet is About Turning One's Mind Into Gold

From this insight, Michael identified seven alchemical practices that can be used to treat anxiety and depression.

He calls these seven practices, "The Anxiety Alchemy System."

These seven practices can be carried out in various rituals or "meditations." Michael outlines these rituals in his new book…

Anxiety Alchemy

What you'll find in Michael's book is a system for relieving anxiety and depression. The seven practices are easy to carry out. They're simple rituals anyone can do——they're even a lot of fun!

I read Michael's book last evening while sitting on my patio. The sun was setting, and the weather was amazing. Michael's book was a very enjoyable read. There's no fluff——and I promise you, if you get his book, you will finish it——and you'll enjoy every minute reading it.

Even if you don't like the typical "new age" stuff, you'll enjoy Michael's book. Even though rituals and meditations may seem odd, they're really not. If you look around, you'll see rituals everywhere. Take the Catholic mass, for instance. It's filled with rituals! (e.g., incense and chalices of wine symbolizing blood).

Most importantly…

Scientific Research Backs the Effectiveness of Rituals in Treating Mental Health

Rituals create a sense of connectedness that facilitates a "cathartic response." In turn, one's emotions can be properly expressed and processed.[1]

What Michael has done in his new book is truly unique. He's unearthed seven rituals that treat anxiety and depression. These rituals are not merely invented (like what you typically find in New Agey stuff).

Rather, the practices you'll learn in Michael's new book are anchored in an ancient, rich tradition.

I strongly believe Michael's book can help you relieve anxiety and depression. If it does, its implications could have a very positive impact on the rest of your life. And if not…

There's No Downside in Giving Michael's Book a Try!

Michael has made his book available at a special price on his website——it costs only $9.97 total (and that includes shipping worldwide!)

The book is a fantastic read.

  • It's short (which means you'll finish it).

  • It's well-written (which means you'll enjoy it).

  • And it's clear (which means you'll have no problem trying out its practices).

This Book Has Relieved Michael's Anxiety and Depression!

I believe Michael's book can help with your own anxiety and depression. It's only $9.97 (including shipping). You may as well give it a try. Heck, he even offers a money-back guarantee. (Because he's crazy!)

If you've ever been interested in ancient approaches to upgrading your mind, then Michael is your guy. (He's a Long Islander accountant who doesn't dabble in B.S.!)

With Michael, you'll get ancient wisdom presented from a straight shooter.

The only thing left is…

How to Get Michael's Book:

Michael has made his book available for a limited time on his website. You can get it for the special price of $9.97 (which includes worldwide shipping).

Here's the link to pick it up (be swift!):

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"An Anxiety Alchemist"

P.S. The reason I'm even telling you about this book is because I've known Michael for two years. I've seen his transformation first-hand, and I respect his intellectual approach to this field. I think his book could relieve your anxiety and depression.

I do not get an affiliate fee or a cut of Michael's sales. I'm promoting his book for free because I read it and believe it could relieve anxiety and depression for anyone who reads it.

Here's the link to get it:


[1]: Jacobs, Janet. "Religious Ritual and Mental Health." Religion and Mental Health (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), 291.

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