

October 01, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.
Monday, 6:37 a.m


Dear Friend,

Today I am going to tell you about my writing schedule over the past few weeks. I am going to tell you about this schedule because it illustrates one of the most important and powerful aspects of going analog as a publisher.

You see——on September 4th——I welcomed my new son Fitzy into the world. A joyous occasion——and one that has brought an entirely new meaning into my life. However, along with this new meaning, there is also new responsibility. And this responsibility has made some things much more difficult.

Finding time to write has been like trying to solve a Rubik's cube while riding a unicycle——blindfolded. Between diaper changes, feeding sessions, and those precious moments of sleep——measured in minutes, not hours——the idea of sitting down to work on Issue No. 22 of The Scott Scheper Letter seemed about as likely as my baby reciting the alphabet.

I found myself writing at the craziest times. 3 a.m. feedings became brainstorming sessions. Rocking the baby to sleep turned into mental outlines. There were moments when I did not feel like writing. When the siren call of Netflix and a comfy couch was almost irresistible. But I kept going. And the more I pushed through, the more momentum I built.

At the beginning of the month, I was not sure if I'd finish on time. I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to get it across the finish line. But over the past few days——I have been utterly shocked. Because somehow this has become one of my favorite issues I've ever written.

I'll be honest with you——if I didn't have a deadline hanging over my head, I probably would have said, "Oh, this can wait until next month." And just like that all the momentum I'd built up over the past year would have gone up in smoke.

But I didn't. I couldn't. Because I had a commitment——to you, to myself, to the ideas that were fighting to get out. And that's when it hit me...

This Deadline Wasn't a Burden, It Was a Gift!

You see, having a regular publishing schedule——like my monthly newsletter——isn't just about keeping subscribers happy. It's about creating a relentless machine that turns ideas into reality.

Think about it: How many brilliant thoughts have you had that never made it out of your head? How many potential masterpieces are gathering dust in the recesses of your mind because you never "found the time" to write them down?

This is exactly why the analog newsletter is such a powerful tool. It creates what I call an "accountability function"——a fancy term for "get your butt in the chair and write, or else."

I'm not the only one who's figured this out. Niklas Luhmann——the godfather of Zettelkasten——had the same thing going on.

In the academic world, there's a saying: "Publish or Perish." Luhmann took this to heart. He was constantly responding to publication requests——pumping out one or two papers every month. This wasn't just about career advancement——it was a brilliant system that kept him consistently producing and refining his ideas.

Every time Luhmann wrote a paper, he was updating and expanding his Zettelkasten. Each deadline wasn't just a finish line——it was a springboard launching him into his next project.

This is the secret, folks. This is how you become a "publication machine." It's not about waiting for inspiration to strike. It's about having a system that forces you to keep moving forward, even when you're running on two hours of sleep and have baby spit-up on your shirt.

Without this built-in accountability, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of "I'll do it tomorrow." And we all know that tomorrow never comes.

This is exactly what I cover in Issue No. 22 of The Scott Scheper Letter. I reveal the power of analog publishing and how it can transform you into a prolific writer and thinker. I share with you how to think about your own delivery system. And why setting up this delivery system could be the final piece of the puzzle that turns you into a prolific thinker, writer, creator.

Which is why I implore you to say yes to a thirty-day trial of The Scott Scheper Letter. You can try The Scott Scheper Letter for thirty days for free. All I ask is that you cover the cost of shipping and printing (which totals $9.86).

This will all close down at the end of the month. One this issue ships, you will never be able to get it again. I print it, I ship it, it is done forever. If you miss this issue, that's it. Today is the last day to join!

In addition to your subscription, you also get:

(1) Access to a private area in my online community, The Tribe. A private community of 700+ independent writers, creators, thinkers, and marketers.

(2) Regular calls and networking. Regular community calls for topics like Antinet Zettelkasten, writing, marketing, and more.

(3) Five Antinet Zettelkasten Gifts ($1,065 Value). Antinet Masterclass Video Course, Zettelkasten Myths & Denials eBook, and More.

All of this for just saying "maybe" to a thirty-day trial, which costs $9.86 in shipping and printing.

The curtain is opening for you right now——will you step through it?

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Believes in Delivering Ideas——Not Excuses!"

P.S. The Scott Scheper Letter introduces cutting-edge thought frameworks relating to Zettelkasten, writing, entrepreneurship, marketing, and——becoming a successful solopreneur.

Once the deadline is passed, you will not be able to get the issue. Here's the link to pick up your free 30-day trial (just pay shipping & materials of $9.86):

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If you enjoyed this piece...

Then get the work of art I'm most proud of——my labor of love——the thing I invest my heart and soul into every month——my physical monthly newsletter, The Scott Scheper Letter.

Pick up your 30-day trial here:

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