How to Lose Friends and Alienate People

How to Lose Friends and Alienate People

June 08, 20244 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Santa Margarita, California
Friday, 3:01 p.m


Dear Friend,

Last night, I attended a gala. It was an event for my father-in-law's non-profit organization. I was with my pregnant earth angel (aka, my wife), and, I must say——we had an all-around good time.

The event took place in Claremont, California. The venue was nestled into the fecund mountains of San Gabriel. The setting was gorgeous. In fact, here's a photo I took (with my pregnant earth angel wife stealing the beauty of the moment, and our son in her belly):

Not pictured behind me were 138 other people in attendance. Those people ranged from local politicians to professional fundraisers who were "networking" (aka, drumming up grant money).

After I took the photo, we went back to our table and sat down. We took in the scene and enjoyed the sunset. The sun was warm and friendly.

While sitting, I observed the crowd. They were across from us. They were standing and chatting with drinks in hand.

It was at that moment I noticed something peculiar. I noticed…

I Was Surrounded By People Who Actually Liked Talking To Other People!

What the hell? I thought. Such people seem like aliens to me. You see——even though you may think of me as "extroverted" (because you've seen me ranting on YouTube about the Antinet), the truth is…

I'm a Steadfast Introvert

When I go to social events, I talk to no one. In fact, I fail every single one of Dale Carnegie's guidelines of How to Win Friends and Influence People. In fact, I should probably write a book. The title?

How to Lose Friends And Alienate People!

However, there's a noble reason for this. You see——I contend that many people are only social because they need to be! Money-grubbing politicians need to be social to survive. Weddings, galas, fundraisers——you name it——any social event is really just "work" dressed up in champaign flutes.

However, I'm an independent writer, dammit. I have no need to "network."

When I go to social events, I get to relax and spend time with the most important person in the world (aka, earth angel).

At one point during the event——while others were trying to drum up grant money——I went to the bathroom. While peeing into an old toilet, I pulled out my phone and looked at my daily revenue.

"That's nice," I said to myself. "I've made $1,598 so far today."

Here's a screenshot I just took:

These types of numbers have become quite regular for me lately. Almost every day is like this——if not bigger——and it all comes from the writing I've done in the past.

How do I generate this type of income as a writer? I'll give you a hint: It's not from ghostwriting, freelancing, or selling time for money. No, sir (or mam). Nay——This type of income comes from leveraging an old-school business model——one built of paper and ink.

Listen: I've set up my life in such a way so that I only talk to two groups of people:

(1) My Scheperians. These are Subscribers of The Scott Scheper Letter. Once a month, I have a hangout call with this group.


(2) My Freedom Writers. Aka, the crazy ones who have decided to write and launch their own analog knowledge business (so that they can be like me——and make six figures as an independent writer, creator and thinker). I meet with my Freedom Writers every week and help them take over the world——analog style.

These are my only "extrovert" activities. The rest of my time I spend doing what I'm doing right now——writing on a yellow legal pad with a badass pen.

Which reminds me…

I Have an Update For You Regarding My Forthcoming Book

The title of my upcoming book is Freedom Writer. (I'll save the subtitle for another time.)

This week, I finished the first draft of Freedom Writer. The last part was writing the preface——which I just finished writing today. Here's a pic:

I don't only want you to get excited about my upcoming book. Nay. I want you to get excited about…

Other People's Books Launching Soon!

Indeed. Over the next few weeks, I'll be notifying you of some very exciting books launching. They're from fellow Antinetters, Freedom Writers and Scheperians. You are going to see some incredible books launching soon from other independent writers.

The best part is——because you're on my email list——you'll be the very first to know when they launch, and——you'll also get a killer deal (you'll get the books for free——you just need to cover shipping & print costs).

Get ready and keep your eyes peeled. I'll notify you as soon as each new book is released.

Until then,

Stay tuned,

And stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Loses Friends and Alienates People...

...For Fun and Profit!"

P.S. If you're interested in working with me personally so that I can help you make $20,000/month from a book, then please reply to this email.

Tell me a bit about yourself and your goals, and let's chat about working together.

I don't charge an arm and a leg. In fact——we can start meeting as soon as this upcoming Wednesday (assuming you have $396 to your name).

But first, reply to this email with a little bit about yourself, and I'll be happy to send you more details.

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30021 Tomas St, Suite 300, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688


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