Motion Over Meditation Gary Halbert

Motion Over Meditation

May 13, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Santa Margarita, California
Monday, 2:26 p.m


Dear Friend,

This weekend I found myself watching The Beatles' documentary, Get Back.

There's a specific part of the film that is of import for creatives.

The Beatles were under a tight deadline. They needed to put together a record. Fast. They also had to put together a live show——all of this, in only a matter of weeks.

Early on in the recording sessions, they were having difficulty getting into rhythm. Things were not going well.

That's when the magic happened.

One morning, the group had just arrived at the recording studio——(well, everyone besides John Lennon, who was always late to things).

There, sitting around in front of the drum kit, were Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr.

Instead of deliberating on how to get out of their current predicament, we find Paul McCartney——slowly, and languidly begin to play his bass guitar.

George Harrison then starts playing a bit, too——yawning, almost as if he's disinterested——yet he continues along.

Ringo is sitting there, with a cigarette in hand, paying close attention and taking Paul seriously (even though he can't really contribute at this point).

This phase is critical——it is fragile for creatives.

At any point, tempers can erupt——negative voices can chime in and say, "What's the point in us doing all of this? We're never going to finish the record by our deadline. We need to go back to the drawing board."

Yet not one person shatters this fragile creative state. George and Ringo continue watching on as Paul plays his guitar.

"Yewww—wooo-wooo-wooo…" Paul sings.

"Daaahh dahhh dahhhh…"

"Daaahh dahhh dahhhh…"

"Geehhh dahhh…"

"Geehhh dahhh…"

"Gehhh backk to where you once belong."


The song that started out as nothing suddenly hits a transition point. We can all recognize it:

Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner...

Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona...

Get back, get back

Get back to where you once belonged…

The song Get Back would soon reach the number one spot in the United States, United Kingdom, and many other countries——and stay there for months.

Did you notice how it was created?

It was created without any drawn-out planning. It was created because Paul McCartney set it in motion.

McCartney set the song in motion by playing it.

He didn't wait around until he and John had a fully-formed song in their heads.

Motion created the song!

This is something I see independent writers, creators, and thinkers struggle with.

The hardest part is sitting on your butt and… writing!

It reminds me of something my mentor, the legendary copywriter Gary Halbert used to say…

Motion Over Meditation!

In order to create, you can't just wait for inspiration. You need to set yourself in motion by taking action.

Look——even writing this piece, I was tempted to plan it out. Heck, I was even tempted to scrap the idea of writing it (and focus on writing my upcoming book instead).

I was given every excuse in the book NOT to write this email——

But I did.

And here I am, and here we are.

The point is——many of you are trapped in a state of inertia.

The best way forward is… forward.

Or, as Winston Churchill once said, "If you're going through hell, keep going."

March forward. Take a single step. You don't need to know everything in order to hit the publish button.

You simply need to get into a state of motion.

Over the past four months, I've seen a tremendous amount of growth in our community.

For instance, Stephanie Anne Roy and Ken Caputo launched an exciting book and are building an incredible community as we speak.

They're now doing over $1,000/month as independent writers, creators, and thinkers.

They did so by taking action!

Motion over meditation!

The same goes for Kathleen Spracklen, a seventy-six-year-old phenomenal mind who launched her book, Writing with Emotion.

She took action. Motion over meditation!

In a matter of days, she'll be doing over $1,000 per month in revenue, and——more importantly, she's built a vibrant community of people who love to read, write, and think.

What do Stephanie, Ken, and Kathleen have in common?

There are several things they have in common.

And there is one thing in particular——which I'd like to highlight:

They all decided to enroll in Write to Freedom at the beginning of this year.

Write to Freedom is my incubator where I "hatch" independent writers and give them a business model designed to make six figures writing one thing a month.

$1,000/month is the first milestone.

The second milestone is $10k/month (which is much easier than $0 to $1k/month).

Actually——and most importantly——the most critical milestone is finally making a decision to not just sit around passively.

Write to Freedom is a decision to take action.

And that's why——I want to give you one last chance to sign up for the waitlist.

(This is the very last time I'll be emailing you about this before June.)

Currently, Write to Freedom is at capacity. However, on June 1st, I have six spots opening up.

Write to Freedom is a program in which I will give you everything you need to make a six-figure living as an independent writer.

There is no decided length to the program.

I work with those until I get them to the first milestone of $1,000/month with the business model I teach——and, I also set each person up with the next steps needed to hit $10,000/month.

If you'd like me to work with you and help you build everything needed to succeed with this business model——then please respond to this email with "Interested".

After that, I'll send you more details if a spot opens up.

(I'll be going through my interest list on a first-come first-served basis. So the earlier you notify me, the better.)

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Knows John Lennon Was The Best Beatle of Them All"

P.S. If you want to see the video of the moment I described in this email, start at the 40-second mark here:


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