Of Zettelkasten

Of Zettelkasten & Cooking Meth

September 22, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.
Sunday, 2:38 p.m


Dear Friend,

As I was watching Breaking Bad the other night, a thought occurred to me. A thought that I believe could be of some importance in your life. You see, there is one key detail I believe many people miss about Walter White.

If you don't know, Walter White was a high school chemistry teacher. He was diagnosed with cancer. In order to pay for his treatment and support his family, he begins to create and sell meth.

It's a fantastic story, but here's the truth——what Walter White was doing before he became a high school teacher is more important than what he did after.

You see, Walt wasn't always a mild-mannered chemistry teacher. He was once a brilliant chemist at a cutting-edge tech company. A company that went on to become wildly successful——without him. Let that sink in for a moment.

Walter White, the man who would become the most infamous meth cook in the Southwest, was once on the verge of changing the world with his intellect. But before he decided to cook meth, he chose to play it safe. He chose the comfortable path!

And you know what? That decision ate at him. It gnawed at his soul until he was diagnosed with cancer and decided to "break bad." Now, I'm not saying you should go out and start cooking meth——although I mean, that would be pretty cool. But I am saying this...

What Walter White Didn't Do Is More Important Than What He Did!

Walt had a massive amount of intelligence——but he chose not to continue putting that knowledge out into the world. He needed a method to get his knowledge out there, to make an impact. And because he chose not to, because he took the safe job, he got restless.

In fact, we find out that much of what was fueling Walter White's meth empire wasn't just his desire to support his family. It was that he felt alive while he was creating something——even though that something was crystal meth. He was finally living up to his intellectual potential. He was a lion that had been trapped in a cage, and——he was finally set free.

If you don't have a method for fulfilling that burning purpose inside you——for writing that book you were born to write, for creating that knowledge only you can create——you risk becoming restless. Unfulfilled. Maybe even dangerous.

But here's the good news: You don't have to become Heisenberg to feel alive. You just need the right system to channel your intellect and creativity.

And that's exactly what I want to share with you in Issue No. 22 of The Scott Scheper Letter. In this issue, I'm going to reveal the most overlooked aspect of Zettelkasten. It's a critical component that 96% of people who write about and teach Zettelkasten completely miss. And yet, it's hidden in plain sight.

This isn't just about taking notes or organizing information. It's about turning your Zettelkasten into a publication machine. It's about developing your thoughts, writing them down, and then——this is the crucial part——having a delivery system for those thoughts.

I'm talking about three powerful mediums that can turn your knowledge into impact: analog books, analog newsletters, and something I call "fulminated digital."

After reading Issue No. 22, you're going to have the most thorough and effective understanding of Zettelkasten out there. While everyone else is farting around with metadata and layout settings in Obsidian and Logseq, you'll be dancing circles around them——creating knowledge that makes a massive impact on others and turns you into the prolific thinker, researcher, and creator you were meant to be.

Don't let your potential go to waste. Don't become a Walter White, trapped in a job that doesn't fulfill you, watching others succeed with the ideas you helped create. Instead, become the Heisenberg of your field——minus the meth and violence.

Become the Dangerous One That Chooses to Put Your Knowledge into the World!

This is why I implore you to say yes to a 30-day trial of The Scott Scheper Letter. Do yourself a favor and pick up Issue No. 22 of The Scott Scheper Letter.

After you do, on the first of this month, I am going to package up and send to you the best piece of knowledge that you will read about writing. It is going to be hand-delivered by the mailman and placed into your mailbox in a hard packaged envelope that says "fragile" on it. When you open the envelope, you will encounter a crisp newsletter delivered just for you.

Every month, a fresh new copy of my analog newsletter will arrive on your doorstep. It will be the most valuable piece of knowledge you look forward to reading every month.

You can try The Scott Scheper Letter for thirty days for free. All I ask is that you cover the cost of shipping and printing (which totals $9.86).

In addition to your subscription, you also get:

(1) Access to a private area in my online community, The Tribe. A private community of 700+ independent writers, creators, thinkers, and marketers.

(2) Regular calls and networking. Regular community calls for topics like Antinet Zettelkasten, writing, marketing, and more.

(3) Five Antinet Zettelkasten Gifts ($1,065 Value). Antinet Masterclass Video Course, Zettelkasten Myths & Denials eBook, and More.

All of this for just saying "maybe" to a thirty-day trial, which costs $9.86 in shipping and printing.

Here's the link to subscribe:


Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Who Wants To Help You Find Your True Purpose in Life——Sellig Meth."

P.S. The Scott Scheper Letter introduces cutting-edge thought frameworks relating to Zettelkasten, writing, entrepreneurship, marketing, and——becoming a successful solopreneur.

Once the deadline is passed, you will not be able to get the issue. Here's the link to pick up your free 30-day trial (just pay shipping & materials of $9.86):


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I am a man on a mission to create an army of independent writers, creators, and thinkers who make a killer living.



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