Shaving Cow Hooves

Shaving Cow Hooves

October 11, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Friday, 1:13 p.m

Dear Friend,

I am going to tell you about a YouTube channel I recently discovered that has me intrigued. I am going to tell you why it has me intrigued. It has me intrigued because I believe this channel completely contradicts one of the biggest reasons would-be writers give for why they are not writing.

The channel is called "Nate The Hoof Guy." This channel is all about cleaning and treating cow hooves. Yes, you read that right. Cow hooves.

When I first stumbled upon this channel, I thought to myself, "Who in their right mind would watch videos about cleaning cow hooves?" Well, apparently, a lot of people. Nate The Hoof Guy has 1.6 million subscribers.

But here's where it gets really interesting. Some of his videos get over 60 million views. To put that in perspective, the Super Bowl got around 123 million viewers last year. And all for videos about cow hooves!

I could go on, but I think you get the picture. People are genuinely fascinated by this content.

Now, why am I telling you all this? Because it perfectly illustrates a point I've been trying to make for years. One of the most common excuses I hear from aspiring writers is, "I don't know what to write about. I'm not sure if my niche is viable." Well, if a guy cleaning cow hooves can attract millions of viewers, I promise you...

Your Niche Can Work Too!

Think about it. If someone had told you five years ago that a channel about cleaning cow hooves would be wildly successful——would you have believed them? Probably not. And if one of your friends had told you they were going to start a YouTube channel about cleaning cow hooves——and told you they were aiming to hit a million subscribers——would you have believed them?

The truth is, viability is not about the niche itself. It's about how you approach it. It's about the value you provide to your audience.

Nate The Hoof Guy isn't successful because cow hooves are inherently fascinating to everyone. He's successful because he's passionate about his work, he consistently produces content, he provides value to a specific audience who finds his content useful.

The same principle applies to writing. Your niche doesn't need to appeal to everyone. It doesn't even need to appeal to a million people. Remember, it only takes 172 loyal subscribers to make $10,000 a month with the business model I teach.

And that is exactly what I teach in my writing incubator Write to Freedom. I take you by the hand and help you discover the right niche for you. I go through a process that ensures you are writing about something you are both passionate about that also has the potential to be incredibly profitable when done right. When you join in me in Write to Freedom, you can forever vanquish that nagging suspicion you're in the wrong niche.

And I'm so confident that this process will work for you that I'm offering a seemingly insane guarantee.

That guarantee is this: If you are accepted into Write to Freedom, I will personally work with you until I get you to $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue.

Let me be crystal clear——that means $10,000 per month in recurring revenue. Money that comes in month after month after month. And once that is set up, you will then get the system that allowed me to scale to over 7 figures per year.

This isn't a pipe dream. This isn't a "maybe." This is a guarantee. I will be by your side until you get there. I will carefully refine and hone every aspect of your niche, idea, book until it works.

All of this revolves around building a simple but extremely effective business built around analog knowledge. It's the exact same model I use to make multiple six figures writing one thing a month.


If you want to spend your days reading, writing, thinking and taking notes (in your Zettelkasten)——while also making $10,000 to $20,000+ per month doing so——

Then what I'm going to present to you today will be the most important message of your life.

The message I want to present you with is this: drop everything you're doing and watch the following 44-minute video that details everything:

I realize watching a long video is a big ask——I get it. I'm very busy and it's hard for me to do anything for a long period of time (I'd rather be working with my Zettelkasten).

However, if you will grant me one thing——it is this. Watch that video. Discover the business model I use for making six figures writing one thing a month.

After you watch it, if you're inclined, I would like you to book a call to discuss joining Write to Freedom. This will not be a sales call. It will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have——and it will be an opportunity to see if there's a mutual fit in working together.

If there is a fit, then I promise you this: You are about to undertake the most exciting intellectual and financial journey of your lifetime.

Please note: This message is being sent out to over 22,000 independent writers, creators, and thinkers. I like to work with each of my people personally——which means——I have a limited capacity of how many people I can bring on under my wing.

For this reason——I would like to implore you to watch the following video ASAP:


Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Knows That Even Cow Hooves Can Be a Killer Niche"

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