The Hard Way is The Way

The Hard Way is The Way

October 04, 20246 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Thursday, 2:41 p.m

Dear Friend,

I'm writing to you today about something I saw that was truly evil. Something so vile, sinful, dangerous that I had to make sure you knew about it. Why? Because this "idea" almost always goes unnoticed.

And yet, it's the one thing that if you miss it, could prevent you from ever fulfilling your dreams. It acts like a demonic spider monkey sitting on your shoulder——weighing you down.

Can you guess where I saw such a horrific idea? Was it in the seedy back alley behind a brothel in Nevada? Was it scrawled on the walls of a abandoned asylum? Was it whispered by a creepy old man in a trench coat outside of Walmart in Little Rock, Arkansas? No, no it was someplace far worse.

It Was in a TV Ad for Ranch Dressing!

The ad starts out with a family in a park. They're having a picnic. They're all incredibly attractive and they seem to be having the time of their lives. Sure enough, in this moment of perfect bliss and happiness, the father pulls out a bottle of ranch dressing. And they all rejoice. As though their lives are perfect.

Now, the problem isn't with the dressing. It's not even with happiness. It's with the idea behind this. The state these people are supposedly living in.

You see, this ad props up a "goal state." One to work towards. A state where you have "no worries at all." No problems. Nothing ever going wrong.

And so the vast majority of people assume that this is the ideal life to work towards. There's frankly nothing wrong with this. But where people get messed up is they assume that a state like this could actually exist. One where everyone is permanently happy. No stress exists. And so they feel like anything other than this is wrong. So when they face challenges, obstacles, or roadblocks...

They View It as a Sign They Should Give Up!

They assume that because it's hard, because there's a challenge, they're on the wrong path. Because their entire lives they've had this goal of creating a worry-free life dangled in front of them.

But this is not reality. Because on the path to true genius-level work——to creating something that will have a massive impact on the people you want to impact——challenges, roadblocks, obstacles are a feature——not a bug.

They are Mandatory on the Path to True Freedom and Meaning!

They're not something that can be skipped. They're an indication that you're on the right path. The true path. The hard path. The analog path.

This reminds me of something I've been teaching in my writing incubator, Write to Freedom. You see, every great epic follows something called the hero's journey. And the first step of the hero's journey begins with the hero leaving their village——their home——which represents safety, security, comfort. This is a step you must take, as well if you want to create a life of meaning.

You must embark on a journey into the unknown——into what I call the Zone of Mastery——and you must acquire new wisdom. That's what this is all about.

When I started my journey into the world of Zettelkasten, I didn't just "hang out" in online forums. I did not do what everyone else was doing. Everyone else was just regurgitating the same old information. Instead, I left and went on a quest.

I printed out dense academic papers. I spent weeks parsing every single part——word-by-word, line-by-line——until I understood it better than every person alive! Did I doubt my decision? Of course! I had no idea if I would find anything. And I was investing so much time that fear had a tremendous grip on me. But this was part of the journey, because I knew deep down that...

Your Hero's Journey Must Be Hard!

Every hero's journey will be fraught with challenges, obstacles, mistakes. Which is why I created Write to Freedom in the first place. Because these obstacles can derail so many would-be writers.

Listen: these obstacles and challenges are the gold of your book! If you're writing a book——when you encounter a seemingly insurmountable obstacle——you're encountering the most valuable part of the process! This is where your unique value lies. In that challenge only you can overcome.

And when you join Write to Freedom, you're getting the experience of someone who has already encountered these obstacles and seen them firsthand for many others.

That way——when obstacles appear——you have a community of people around you to help bear the load. To let you know that obstacle is normal.

Think of a boxer in a ring, if he gets punched it's no big deal. It was expected. The boxer keeps on fighting and can take many more punches to potentially win the fight.

But if you're standing in the middle of a restaurant and you get punched——when you were least expecting it——it would be a shocking event! You'd be panicked! You may even run away——which would probably be the wise choice.

But if you try to write a book on your own——when those inevitable punches come——they may feel like an overwhelming catastrophe. Instead of an opportunity.

And that's why I implore you to give yourself a chance to step into your destiny. To watch the video I've prepared about the best business model for independent writers, thinkers, creators.

What I'm talking about is a business model that revolves around analog publishing. I have created a detailed 44-minute video that outlines everything you need to know about this business model. I would like to invite you to watch this video right here and right now, and while you're watching this video, I want you to keep one thing in mind:

When you join my writing incubator Write to Freedom, I work with you until you are making $1,000 per month. I then give you the exact roadmap such that you can scale to 10 and even 20 thousand dollars per month.

I personally spend and invest my time working with each individual I take on under my wing. And at the time of this writing, there are only a limited number of spots available for who I can work with. Therefore, I would like to implore you to watch this video as soon as possible and do not delay:

After watching, we can have a friendly, casual discussion about any questions you have. If it's a fit, great. If not, great——but at least you'll be educated about the best business model out there for creating the lifestyle you truly want.

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Will Fight With You Through Your Challenges!"

P.S. This email is going out to over 18,000 people now. I have only a few spots left to work with me in my writing incubator. Therefore——if you want me to personally help you write and launch a book that brings in an additional $1,000 per month in recurring revenue (guaranteed), then please watch the above video today!

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