The Math Behind My Business

The Math Behind My Business

October 08, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Monday, 2:21 p.m

Dear Friend,

Today I want to tell you a story about what is possible for you. I want to tell you this story so you can fully grasp the numbers behind an analog knowledge funnel. This is a story of dedication, perseverance, and the incredible power of the business model I teach in Write to Freedom.

Let me introduce you to Terry Ladd and his wife Christina. They joined Write to Freedom several months ago——and I've got to tell you——they're the kind of students that make me jump out of bed in the morning excited to teach.

When Terry and Christina first joined——they didn't have a clear idea of what they wanted to create. They just knew they wanted something different. Something that would allow them to break free from the conventional retirement playbook.

And Boy, Did They Find It!

You see, Terry and Christina decided to become what they call Silver Nomads. Instead of settling into a quiet retirement, spending their days farting at Cracker Barrel and watching life pass them by——they chose adventure. They decided to ditch the U.S., retire abroad, live like nomads in their silver years.

Terry and Christina showed up to every single meeting in Write to Freedom. Every. Single. One. They went through the incubator one video at a time, doing things the old way, the hard way, the deliberate way. They didn't rush. They didn't skip steps. They trusted the process. And the results were nothing short of spectacular.

We created a beautiful analog book page for them—— using the exact template and infrastructure that's preloaded into Write to Freedom. Now, let me share with you the insane economics behind this.

When Terry and Christina launched their book——I sent out one email to my list talking about it. Just one email. At the time, I had over 22,000 people on my email list——people who love reading and books, who had bought my book on using the Antinet Zettelkasten analog note card system.

Here's what happened:

  • 655 unique visitors came to their analog book page

  • Out of those, 125 people ordered the book

  • That's a 19.08% conversion rate

Now, that's impressive on its own. But remember, the analog book page is just the beginning. It's the door opener. The real magic happens with the analog monthly newsletter. Out of the 125 people who ordered Terry and Christina's book...

18 of Them Said Yes to Trying Their Analog Monthly Newsletter!

That's a 14.88% conversion rate. Let's break down the math. Their newsletter is priced at $58 a month. So, 18 subscribers at $58 per month equals $1,044 in monthly recurring revenue. That's $1,044 every single month, just from their launch, just from one email I sent out. To continue generating that income, all they need to do is write one thing per month. That's it.

Now, compare this to launching on Amazon Kindle. I've been there, done that. Ten years ago, I launched on the Amazon KDP platform, and you know what? I was lucky to make $100 in royalties. But Terry and Christina? They're making over $1,000 month after month after month!

And this is just the beginning. They now have the core analog knowledge funnel to keep growing. As they keep directing people to their book page, they'll hit $10k per month before they know it. Then $20k. When you break down the numbers, it takes just 172 subscribers for them to hit $10k per month. It's the hard way, the deliberate way——but it's the best way to grow.

This is the power of the analog knowledge funnel. This is what's possible when you follow the Write to Freedom system.

Now, I want to be clear: This didn't happen by accident. Terry and Christina put in the work. They showed up. They followed the system. And now they're reaping the rewards. And here's the thing...

You Can Do This Too!

If you're ready to create your own analog knowledge funnel, if you're ready to build a business that allows you to spend your days reading, writing, thinking while generating a substantial income and , then I want to work with you personally.

I've created a detailed 44-minute video that outlines everything you need to know about this business model. When you join Write to Freedom, you'll get access to the same templates and infrastructure that Terry and Christina used. You'll get personal guidance from me as you build out your analog knowledge funnel. And you'll join a community of like-minded individuals all working towards the same goal.

It's about building a sustainable business that allows you to spend your days doing what you love—— reading, writing, thinking. And earning a handsome income of $20,000 per month in recurring revenue.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, I urge you to watch the video now:

After watching, we can have a friendly, casual discussion about any questions you have. If it's a fit, great. If not, great——but at least you'll be educated about the best business model out there for creating the lifestyle you truly want.

I have limited spots available because I personally dedicate significant time to each person I work with. So, if you want to create a life where you're writing impactful work that matters——where you have the freedom to be present for life's most precious moments while still earning a substantial income——then watch the video now.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Don't spend another day wondering "what if." Be like Terry and Christina. Take the leap. Trust the process. Build your own analog knowledge funnel.


Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Believes In The Power Of Analog!"

P.S. This email is going out to over 18,000 people now. I have only a few spots left to work with me in my writing incubator. Therefore——if you want me to personally help you write and launch a book that brings in an additional $20,000 per month in recurring revenue, then please watch the above video today.

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