The Missing Piece Your Zettelkasten Needs

The Missing Piece Your Zettelkasten Needs

September 26, 20246 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.
Wednesday, 11:47 a.m


Dear Friend,

Today I am going to talk to you about one of the most well-known painters to ever live. I am going to tell you a story you have probably already heard as it has almost become legend. And yet there is an important point in this story that almost every creator misses. One that could cost you your legacy, your pride, and heck, maybe even your life.

I'm talking about Vincent van Gogh, the Dutch post-impressionist painter who only sold one painting during his lifetime. The one who cut off his own ear in a fit of madness as a means of impressing a woman.

A man so tormented by his own genius that he spiraled into insanity. He painted feverishly, producing over 2,100 artworks in just over a decade. But did the world recognize his brilliance?

Hell No!

Instead, van Gogh lived in poverty——struggling in every way possible. He drank too much absinthe, argued with his friend Paul Gauguin, and in a moment of complete psychosis, took a razor to his own ear. Blood everywhere, he wrapped the ear in newspaper and gave it to a prostitute. Now you may be thinking that he sounds like the average Obsidian user——and in that you would be correct. For they too chop off massive parts of themselves to engage in a painful self-flagellation every time they post a new bubble graph on Reddit.

But let's get back to van Gogh. Fast forward to 1890. Van Gogh——still unrecognized and battling severe depression, walks into a wheat field and shoots himself in the chest. He dies two days later, believing he's a complete failure.

Today, van Gogh is hailed as one of the most talented and original artists to ever live. His paintings sell for millions. He's a household name...

But He Never Got to See Any of It!

There's a fun question you can ask people at parties:

"Would you rather be well-off now and put out boring ideas and work, or live your entire life without any recognition but become revered in death like a van Gogh?"

I have an answer to this question that is so profound, it will leave you shuddering with its utter ingenuity. Ready for it?

I'd Rather Have Both!

That's right. I'd rather produce impactful work AND get to see some of the fruits of it! And you know what? You can too. Van Gogh's tragedy wasn't just that he was ahead of his time. It's that he lacked an effective delivery system for his genius.

He had the talent. He had the output. But he didn't have a way to get his art in front of the right people. He was creating in isolation, with no means to share his work with the world.

Sound familiar? How many people are sitting on brilliant ideas——furiously taking notes in their Zettelkasten——but never actually putting that knowledge out into the world?

We all have valuable insights to share. The difference between us and poor Vincent is that we have the tools to get our work out there. We just need to use them. This is why having the right delivery system for your thoughts is crucial. In fact, it's the missing piece that most people overlook when it comes to Zettelkasten.

You see, Zettelkasten isn't just about taking notes. It's about creating a publication machine. It's about having a system that not only helps you develop your ideas but also gets them out into the world. And in doing so——can net you a nice return so that you don't end up chopping off your ear and drinking absinthe in the slums of a Parisian gutter while lamenting the fact that you're a total failure.

Don't be a van Gogh. Don't let your genius go unrecognized. Build a system and commit to putting your ideas out into the world.

And that's exactly what I want to share with you in Issue No. 22 of The Scott Scheper Letter. I'm going to reveal the most powerful delivery system that can get your knowledge to those that need it most.

I highly advise you pick up Issue No. 22 of The Scott Scheper Letter. There are only five days left at the time of this writing.

After you do, on the first of this month, I am going to package up and send to you the best piece of knowledge about writing. It is going to be hand-delivered by the mailman and placed into your mailbox in a hard packaged envelope that says "fragile" on it. When you open the envelope, you will encounter a stunning physical newsletter. You may want to hold it in your hands and just look at it for a bit. You may detect a fresh hint of that wonderful scent of freshly printed paper and come to relish it.

I'm confident that this issue could contain the missing piece of the puzzle for you if you've struggled to actually get your thoughts out into the world. It may seem obvious that you need a delivery system for your thoughts——yet you'd be shocked at how many people don't consider this critical piece of the puzzle.

People that may not fall so far as Vincent Van Gogh——but nonetheless go to their graves with their work still trapped inside them. Or worse, putting their work up on Amazon. Where they don't earn enough to buy a movie ticket——and end up assuming they simply don't have what it takes to succeed as a writer, thinker, creator.

The delivery system is often something that seems trivial. Something that everyone says they'll "get around to." And yet, this crucial step may be the exact thing stopping you from earning a significant living from your words.

Which is why I implore you to say yes to a thirty day trial of The Scott Scheper Letter. Just think——when you implement what is in Issue No. 22——you could have one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle solved. You could unleash the current of your thoughts and get them out into the world where they belong.

You can try The Scott Scheper Letter for thirty days for free. All I ask is that you cover the cost of shipping and printing (which totals $9.86).

In addition to your subscription, you also get:

(1) Access to a private area in my online community, The Tribe. A private community of 700+ independent writers, creators, thinkers, and marketers.

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(3) Five Antinet Zettelkasten Gifts ($1,065 Value). Antinet Masterclass Video Course, Zettelkasten Myths & Denials eBook, and More.

All of this for just saying "maybe" to a thirty-day trial, which costs $9.86 in shipping and printing.

Here's the link to subscribe:

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Who Has Yet To Cut Off His Ear For Love!"

P.S. The Scott Scheper Letter introduces cutting-edge thought frameworks relating to Zettelkasten, writing, entrepreneurship, marketing, and——becoming a successful solopreneur.

Once the deadline is passed, you will not be able to get the issue. Here's the link to pick up your free 30-day trial (just pay shipping & materials of $9.86):

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