The Most Overlooked Aspect of Zettelkasten

The Most Overlooked Aspect of Zettelkasten

September 22, 20244 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.
Saturday, 1:51 p.m


Dear Friend,

I'll be honest. Having a baby is great, but... it's challenging. My evenings and my mornings no longer entail leisurely reading and taking my sweet old time doing whatever I want to do.

Instead, my mornings and evenings entail cleaning my baby's diaper after he sharts yellow curry deep into his Pampers.

It also includes me feeding him and burping him and holding him while he sucks on his pacifier. Which leads me to conclude...

It's Hard to Read in the Evenings When You're Holding a Sharting Baby in Your Hands

But thankfully, it still allows me to watch what I believe to be the best show ever written in television history. And that show is Breaking Bad. As I rock my baby in my arms late at night while my wife is finally catching up on sleep for the day, I get to enjoy Gustavo Fring carry out the most immaculate meth production ever concocted.

I am currently watching the Breaking Bad Series for the third time through——and each time it gets better and better. Each time you watch the show, you notice more motifs and more thematic elements. Heck, you may learn more about the art of creating motifs from watching Breaking Bad than you can from reading the classics.

Speaking of Breaking Bad, I just put the finishing touches on the first draft of Issue No. 22 of The Scott Scheper Letter. In this issue, I use a scene from Breaking Bad to illustrate the most critical aspect of the Zettelkasten workflow. In fact...

It is The Most Overlooked Aspect of Zettelkasten

That's right. Believe it or not, the reason I'm writing to you today is not to talk about my son sharting yellow curry into his diaper, nor is it to tell you about how great the show Breaking Bad is. The reason I'm writing to you today is because I just put the finishing touches on the very first draft of Issue No. 22 of The Scott Scheper Letter.

This issue is going to be one of the best issues I ever create with regard to Zettelkasten. It puts a critical cap on what I believe to be a fantastic workflow for using your Zettelkasten. When it comes to reading a wide swath of books, the very last thing you want to do is to get bogged down by taking too many reading notes.

Well, at the very end of this process, there is another critical step. This is a critical component of Zettelkasten that 96% of people who write about and teach Zettelkasten completely miss. However, this aspect of Zettelkasten is hidden in plain sight. In fact, this aspect is contained in one of the most well-researched and thorough academic articles about Zettelkasten.

In Issue No. 22, I will be outlining this in detail. After reading Issue No. 22, you are going to have the most thorough and effective understanding of Zettelkasten out there. Whereas everyone else will be farting around in Obsidian and customizing their metadata and the list layout settings in Logseq——you'll be dancing around them. You will be creating knowledge that makes a massive impact on others——and most importantly——turns you into a prolific thinker, researcher, reader.

This is why I implore you to say yes to a 30-day trial of The Scott Scheper Letter. Do yourself a favor and pick up Issue No. 22 of The Scott Scheper Letter.

After you do, on the first of this month, I am going to package up and send to you the best piece of knowledge that you will read about writing. It is going to be hand-delivered by the mailman and placed into your mailbox in a hard packaged envelope that says "fragile" on it. When you open the envelope, you will encounter a crisp newsletter delivered just for you.

Every month, a fresh new copy of my analog newsletter will arrive on your doorstep. It will be the most valuable piece of knowledge you look forward to reading every month.

You can try The Scott Scheper Letter for thirty days for free. All I ask is that you cover the cost of shipping and printing (which totals $9.86).

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(1) Access to a private area in my online community, The Tribe. A private community of 700+ independent writers, creators, thinkers, and marketers.

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All of this for just saying "maybe" to a thirty-day trial, which costs $9.86 in shipping and printing.

Here's the link to subscribe:

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Who Is About To Teach You The Most Overlooked Aspect of Zettelkasten!"

P.S. The Scott Scheper Letter introduces cutting-edge thought frameworks relating to Zettelkasten, writing, entrepreneurship, marketing, and——becoming a successful solopreneur.

Once the deadline is passed, you will not be able to get the issue. Here's the link to pick up your free 30-day trial (just pay shipping & materials of $9.86):

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