"The Upper Limiter" - A Concept to Be Wary Of

"The Upper Limiter" - A Concept to Be Wary Of

October 02, 20247 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Tuesday, 2:42 p.m

Dear Friend,

As you may know, I have a newborn child.

My son Fitzy was born last month on September 4th. My duty at home revolves around taking care of Fitzy from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. so that my wife can sleep. I also have the early morning duties, which is nice as well because Fitzy is more active and playful in the mornings.

Last night I found myself holding Fitzy and trying to rock him back to sleep as I paced back and forth in front of my television. Whenever he sleeps, I am able to read using my Antinet Zettelkasten with a nice bibcard sticking out of my book. However, when he's in crying mode, I hold him and feed him and rock him and give him a pacifier. While doing this, I typically watch what I believe to be the greatest television series in history——Breaking Bad.

I always watch Breaking Bad with the subtitles turned on because there is great dialogue and there is so much thought put into the writing and structure. Currently, I am watching Better Call Saul for the second time through this year.

I want to share with you a scene that has very important implications because it accurately reflects the lives that many people experience.

You see, the main character Jimmy McGill——better known as Saul——is disbarred from being an attorney for a year. During this time period, he gets rejuvenated on life and becomes excited about finding new opportunities during his year sabbatical.

One day Jimmy wakes up very early in the morning, makes a fresh squeezed orange juice smoothie and sets out to make his way to a job interview. This job interview is for a copy machine company. This copy machine company is located in a very odd location. It is seemingly located under a freeway overpass and the interior of the office looks anachronistic and outdated. It creates the perfect odd and uneasy feeling of being stuck in a weird location and time.

This setting, I believe, illustrates what is going on with Jimmy. Internally, Jimmy is trying to figure out what type of future he deserves and what type of life he wants. He's oscillating internally between life as an attorney or life spent in a career in a calling that perhaps better suits him.

During the interview, Jimmy outlines his qualifications. He makes a case for why he should be considered for a position as a salesperson selling copiers. The two individuals interviewing Jimmy are a little put off by the fact that his only experience is that of an attorney. The one major flaw on Jimmy's resume is that he has no sales experience.

Jimmy then makes a strong case for why he should be considered for the job. Jimmy outlines the fact that being an attorney revolves around sales. He's either selling his case to judges, selling it to the opposing party, selling a plea deal to his clients. Everything about being an attorney revolves around selling.

This impresses the interviewers and Jimmy gets up, shakes their hand, walks out. Then we see Jimmy turn around and make a U-turn. He walks back into the office and then makes a strong case for them to hire him that very day.

Impressed with Jimmy's boldness, the two bosses decide to hire Jimmy. They say yes——and it looks like Jimmy is about to embark on a new great chapter of his life. Jimmy will be selling copiers and will probably be making a great income and carve out a fantastic life for himself.

But Then Something Happens...

After they say yes to Jimmy and say they want to hire him that very day——Jimmy all of a sudden gets irritated. He gets pissed off. He says, "You mean to say that all I have to do is a dog and pony show and you are going to hire me? No background check, no nothing. I could piss in your coffee and you wouldn't even know it!"

This appears that Jimmy is basically torpedoing his own success that he has carved out for himself. He has taken a golden opportunity, a fantastic new life, getting commissions, selling highly expensive copying machines, and he has essentially imploded that very opportunity that he previously worked so hard to create for himself.

The two bosses look at Jimmy and ask, "So you're telling me you don't want this job?" Jimmy says, "Hell no. I don't want this job." He slams the door and walks out.

This is something I've seen happen to a lot of people. You see, this is something that Gay Hendricks wrote about in his book titled The Big Leap.

You see, built internally into all of us——built deep and entrenched into our psyche——is a concept called an Upper Limiter. An Upper Limiter is something that keeps us in the status quo. We have our own internal depiction of what we are and who we are——and anything that brings us out of alignment of that internal idea of who we are——we all of a sudden subconsciously upper limit ourselves.

We Torpedo Our Own Potential Even If a Golden Opportunity Lands Directly in Our Laps!

And this is why I'm writing to you today. You see, I would like to present you with a golden opportunity. This golden opportunity centers around me personally helping you create a lifestyle where you get to spend your days reading, writing, thinking, taking notes the analog way in your Zettelkasten——while also making a fantastic six-figure living.

What I'm talking about is a business model that revolves around analog publishing. I have created a detailed 44-minute video that outlines everything you need to know about this business model. I would like to invite you to watch this video right here and right now, and while you're watching this video, I want you to keep one thing in mind:

I personally spend and invest my time working with each individual I take on under my wing. And at the time of this writing, there are only a limited number of spots available for who I can work with. Therefore, I would like to implore you to watch this video as soon as possible and do not delay:


After watching, we can have a friendly, casual discussion about any questions you have. If it's a fit, great. If not, great——but at least you'll be educated about the best business model out there for creating the lifestyle you truly want.

If we're a good fit, and you decide that you want to find the time to live a life better than you could imagine, I'll work with you personally to ensure you're making $1,000 a month in additional revenue guaranteed. And I won't stop until we get there. After that, I'll give you the entire playbook for scaling to six figures and beyond.

Even if you find out right now isn't the best time, you'll understand this powerful business model after our call. So whether you're ready to dive in headfirst or just curious about what's possible, do yourself a favor and watch this video. Who knows? This could be the first step towards creating a book or business that solves real problems and changes lives——including your own.

You have no idea where your true upper limit is——if it even exists at all. Wouldn't you like to find out where that might be? Can you imagine how good your life could be? If you feel any the slightest spark of the possibility——please watch the video below:


Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Will Help You Eradicate Your Upper Limiters Point!"

P.S. This email is going out to over 18,000 people now. I have only a few spots left to work with me in my writing incubator. Therefore——if you want me to personally help you write and launch a book that brings in an additional $1,000 per month in recurring revenue (guaranteed), then please watch the above video today!

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