Traffic Jams

Traffic Jams

October 18, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Thursday, 12:10 p.m

Dear Friend,

I'm writing this as I stumble out of my car and collapse at my desk, my blood pressure still through the roof. Why? Because I just experienced the traffic jam from hell. We're talking biblical, end-of-days level gridlock that turned a 30-minute drive into a 2-hour nightmare.

There I was, sitting in my lime green Tesla Model S Plaid——the fastest production car ever made——reduced to a very expensive paperweight. For 45 minutes, I didn't move an inch. Not one. Freaking. Inch.

I tried everything to keep my sanity. Podcasts? Useless. Audiobooks? Might as well have been white noise. I even blasted the kind of rage enducing music that would make your grandma clutch her pearls. Nothing helped. I was trapped in a sea of metal and exhaust, my dreams of productivity evaporating like the fumes from the 1998 Honda Civic idling in front of me.

But then, as I was contemplating whether I could squeeze my Tesla between two semis and make a break for it (spoiler alert: I couldn't), something hit me...

This Traffic Jam is Exactly What Most Would-Be Writers Experience Every Single Day!

But their gridlock isn't on the 405 freeway. It's between their ears. You see, while I was stuck in a physical traffic jam, most aspiring writers are trapped in a mental one. And that mental gridlock can be a hell of a lot harder to navigate than any rush hour nightmare.

Instead of being surrounded by honking cars and road rage, these writers are hemmed in by thoughts that scream, "You can't do this!" or "Who do you think you are, trying to write a book?" These thoughts create a traffic jam in the mind, bringing all forward progress to a screeching halt.

Most of these writers——and I'm betting this includes you——are incredibly smart. But here's the dirty little secret: Your intelligence is screwing you over.

You've fallen victim to what we call the Dunning-Kruger effect. It's this nasty little phenomenon where the more you know about a subject, the more you doubt your abilities. Meanwhile, some meathead with the IQ of a potato is out there confidently spewing nonsense and building a following.

So there you sit——stuck in mental gridlock while the village idiots zoom past you on the shoulder. But here's the thing——and pay attention because this is important:

You’re Intellectualizing Yourself into Oblivion!

You're overthinking, over-analyzing, and under-doing. You're so worried about getting everything perfect that you're doing absolutely nothing. Perfection is the enemy of done. And done, my friend, is what pays the bills.

There's only one solution to this gridlock. One cure to this never ending gridlock. You need to hit the publish button. That's it. Create something——anything——and put it out into the world. It doesn't matter if it's not perfect. It doesn't matter if someone else has done something similar. What matters is that you're taking action.

Publishing is the nitrous oxide to your mental engine. It's the thing that's going to blast you out of your intellectual gridlock and onto the open road of actually making a damn difference——and a damn good living——with your writing.

Every time you publish, you're not just putting words out there. You're building confidence. You're increasing competence. You're showing the world——and more importantly, yourself——that you've got something to say.

After you hit rock bottom with your confidence, there's this beautiful phase transition. And you know what triggers that transition? You guessed it: Publishing.

When you have the cojones to put your ideas out there, magical things start to happen. You realize the world is not out to get you. You discover that some of your ideas are actually groundbreaking to people. Sure, some of your posts might attract crickets, but others are bookmarked, shared, and treasured.

And with each piece you publish, your confidence grows. Your competence skyrockets. Suddenly, you're not just another wannabe writer stuck in mental traffic. You're a lightning bolt of insight——flying through the gridlock and illuminating minds.

I built a movement out of the teeny, tiny niche of Zettelkasten. You know how? Not because I was the most competent person out there. I succeeded because I was a psycho. I published essays, podcasts, and YouTube videos like a man possessed. I passionately declared the opposite of what everyone else was saying. And you know what? It worked.

So, my intellectually gridlocked friend, it's time to put the pedal to the metal. It's time to break free from your mental traffic jam and start your engine of creation.

In Write to Freedom, we focus on what matters: getting your words out into the world and building a sustainable writing business. And doing it the right way, the old way, the hard way, the best way.

And I'm so confident in this approach that I'm offering a seemingly insane guarantee:

That guarantee is this: If you are accepted into Write to Freedom, I will personally work with you until I get you to $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue.

If you're ready to stop swimming in confusion and start standing out in your niche, I invite you to watch this detailed 44-minute video where I break down exactly how you can create a thriving writing business using this approach:

In this video, I break down exactly how this business model works and how you can implement it in your own writing career.

Please note: In just 3 days I will be shutting down enrollment for Write to Freedom for this month.

I like to work with each of my people personally——which means——I have a limited capacity of how many people I can bring on under my wing. I cannot bring loads of people all at once. So I'm not sure yet when I'll be writing about this again.

For this reason——I would like to implore you to watch the following video ASAP:

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Wants To Get You Out of The Traffic Jam In Your Mind!"

P.S. This email is going out to over 22,000 people now. I have only a few spots left to work with me in my writing incubator. Therefore——if you want me to personally help you write and launch a book that brings in an additional $10,000 per month in recurring revenue——guaranteed, then please watch the above video today.

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