Turn The Page Book

New Book! The Power of Reading Old Books

June 28, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Santa Margarita, California
Thursday, 4:33 p.m


Dear Friend,

C.S. Lewis once said, "If the ordinary reader must read only the new or only the old, I would advise him to read the old."

Why did he say this? It's simple. Old books offer new perspectives that you do not get from the modern "pop-business" books.

I'm serious. If you've entered any bookstore lately, you'll encounter modern-day crap about "the subtle art of not giving a f*ck." Or, if not that, then books filled with trite interpretations of "ancient stoic wisdom."

This Stuff is Crap and We're INUNDATED With It!

This is why I'm so excited to tell you about a book that I believe——with all my heart——will change the course of your life.

It's written by Mel Jeffcoat, and it's called...

Turn The Page: How to Transform Your Mind by Reading Old Books

This book is going to reshape your entire year. It's going to make reading fun and magical for you again!

Mel's book is built on the premise that...

You Should Read Books Older Than You

You probably have experienced the feeling——the feeling of reading an old book and uncovering an ancient gem of wisdom. In doing so, it occurs to you how applicable it still is to modern-day life. From this, you also gain an appreciation for how those born before you encountered the same exact trials and tribulations you yourself struggle with.

If you've ever had such an experience, you know how it leaves a deep, lifelong imprint on your life. Such a thing is otherwise impossible to glean from a surface-level regurgitation of someone's biography (i.e., Cal Newport's latest "productivity" manifesto).

The point is——there's a power in reading old books that you do not get from reading popular non-fiction.

The latest research backs this as well.

By reading old books...

1. Your memory will improve. Engaging in mentally stimulating activities such as reading has been associated with a slower rate of memory deterioration.[1] The problem with modern-day books is that they're frequently just "infotainment." The struggle is stripped away. This is not true of old books. The added mental stimulation that comes by way of reading old books serves to sharpen your memory faculties.

2. Your vocabulary will improve. Reading old books results in a higher probability of encountering words that you're unfamiliar with. Research has shown that reading greatly expands one's vocabulary.[2] This benefit is put into hyperdrive when you read old books.

3. You will sharpen your thinking. Research has shown that reading increases connectivity in the brain.[3] The problem with modern-day books is that many of them are "dumbed down." There's not much thinking that happens. However, when you engage with old books, you're forced to think in ways that shed itself of the mental junk food we've become inundated with.

There are other benefits of reading old books——such as developing an almost "otherworldly" perspective on things.

Guess how all of this comes about?

By Reading Old Books!

You probably recognize the power of reading old books. However, Mel's book covers much more than this...

That's right——Mel's book goes much deeper than the idea that "you should read old books." In Turn The Page, you will learn...

How to Get The Most Out of Reading Old Books

Turn The Page shows you the three most critical practices for reading old books.

It would be a mistake for you to rush off to your local rare bookstore without first reading Mel's book.

In Mel's book, you will learn three practices that will increase your comprehension and enjoyment for reading old books.

Not only that, you'll learn how to use a Zettelkasten for reading old books, as well!

With that said...

Turn The Page Is Only The Beginning!

If you are an avid reader, your journey into the world of old books only begins with Turn The Page, and here's why...

Mel leads an incredible community of old book lovers. He runs an "old book of the month club" where people engage in old texts.

Get ready.

You're about to enter a new world.

Turn The Page is but a small gateway into the exciting world of old books.

When you look back at 2024, you're going to thank yourself for picking up Mel's book today.

Trust me. You're about to make reading truly magical for yourself again.

For a limited time, you can get Mel's book delivered to your doorstep for only $9.97! (This includes shipping worldwide!)

His book also comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you're unsatisfied, for whatever reason (although I doubt you will be because Mel's book is amazing)——then regardless, you have nothing to worry about. Mel will take care of you.

Anyway, here's the link where you can grab a copy of the book (at a special discount price):


Note: If the price goes up by the time you read this, I apologize. For now at least, you can get it for only $9.97 total (this includes shipping worldwide!)

Act fast,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Hopes You Turn The Page"

P.S. I do not get an affiliate fee for promoting Mel's book. I'm doing it because, (a) I've read Turn The Page and I think it has the potential to change your life, and (b) I've worked closely with Mel over the past six months through my writing incubator, Write to Freedom. In doing so, I've seen Mel's commitment to writing, excellence and learning. He's one of my favorite individuals on the planet. He's quiet, humble and he's an all-around great human being. You would do well to not only pick up Mel's book, but also take up his special offer and join his community (you'll see this after you purchase his book).

P.S. #2: Here's the link again...


(Pick it up at this special price. No promises on it being available at this price for long.)



[1]: "Keep Reading to Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay," Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation.

[2]: Dawna Duff, J. Bruce Tomblin, and Hugh Catts, "The Influence of Reading on Vocabulary Growth: A Case for a Matthew Effect," Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR 58, no. 3 (June 2015): 853–64.

[3]: Gregory S. Berns et al., "Short- and Long-Term Effects of a Novel on Connectivity in the Brain," Brain Connectivity 3, no. 6 (December 2013): 590–600.

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