
Wreck it keyboard

October 17, 20245 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Wednesday, 2:08 p.m

Dear Friend,

Let me tell you about a particularly embarrassing——and slightly unhinged——moment in my writing journey. It involves a $299.99 Qwerkywriter keyboard, a trashcan, and a descent into madness that I'm not proud of.

There I was, trying to write a simple getting-started guide for the Antinet Zettelkasten. Instead of just sitting down and writing like a normal, well-adjusted human being, I found myself spiraling into an obsessive quest for the perfect writing setup.

First, I bought the Qwerkywriter - a vintage-style mechanical keyboard that promised to make writing a joyful experience. The seductive clickity-clack of each key was supposed to release dopamine with every stroke.

Then, like a junkie chasing his next fix, I spent hours——yes, hours——researching the best writing apps, finally settling on Scrivener. But that wasn't enough. No, I had to customize every single aspect of the app, from fonts to menu tabs——as if the perfect shade of blue for my toolbar would suddenly make me the next Hemingway.

Four hours of what I'd generously call preparation——but let's be honest, it was pure, unadulterated procrastination——I finally started writing. And that's when things really went off the rails.

The fancy keyboard had a maddening delay. The app kept freezing. And worst of all, I realized my explanation was about as clear as mud and needed a complete rewrite.

As the night wore on, my frustration grew. My fiancé was blowing up my phone, probably thinking I was cheating on her (with a keyboard, as it turns out). The negative voice in my head grew louder and louder, mocking my inability to write a simple guide.And then...

I Snapped!

In a moment of pure, primal rage, I started pounding on that overpriced keyboard like a caffeinated gorilla. Keys went flying across the room. I was screaming obscenities at the top of my lungs. For a brief, terrifying moment——I transformed into a feral bear all because I couldn't write a simple guide.

With the red mist cleared and my clothes back on——I found myself standing over a mangled keyboard, panting like I'd just run a marathon. With what remaining dignity I had left——I calmly picked up the sad remains of my Qwerkywriter and unceremoniously dumped it in the trash.

The result of this little episode? An expensive paperweight in the trash, a justifiably angry fiancé, and a getting-started guide that took days longer than it should have. Oh, and a lingering sense of shame every time I look at a typewriter. Now, why am I sharing this humiliating descent into temporary madness with you?

Because This Is Exactly What So Many Writers Fall Victim to!

They become obsessed with finding the "perfect" system. They stress about which note-taking app is best, which project management software to use, which keyboard will magically make writing easier.

They try one system——realize it's missing a feature——so they switch to another. They run in this endless cycle, never getting down to what's most important: actually writing! These writers become system perfectionists instead of writers.

And every time they take on a new system, it's a multi-week learning curve. This becomes a convenient excuse to not begin actually writing.

"Oh, I can't start my book yet. I need to master this new note-taking app first."

"I'll begin writing once I've set up the perfect project management system."

Sound familiar?

I've been there. I've done that. And let me tell you, it's a trap. This is why I'm so adamant about people joining Write to Freedom. In it, you'll join a community of people who are actually writing. If you're tempted to go down a masturbatory Obsidian rabbit hole of note-taking strategies, you'll be halted by their presence. Because here's the truth: the model is simple. Write a book. Write one new thing every month. Keep writing. Repeat.

That's it!

You don't need a fancy keyboard. You don't need the latest note-taking app. You don't need to spend weeks setting up the perfect system. You just need to write.

In Write to Freedom, we focus on what matters: getting your words out into the world and building a sustainable writing business. And doing it the right way, the old way, the hard way, the best way.

And I'm so confident in this approach that I'm offering a seemingly insane guarantee:

That guarantee is this: If you are accepted into Write to Freedom, I will personally work with you until I get you to $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue.

If you're ready to stop swimming in confusion and start standing out in your niche, I invite you to watch this detailed 44-minute video where I break down exactly how you can create a thriving writing business using this approach:


In this video, I break down exactly how this business model works and how you can implement it in your own writing career.

Please note: In just 4 days I will be shutting down enrollment for Write to Freedom for this month.

I like to work with each of my people personally——which means——I have a limited capacity of how many people I can bring on under my wing. I cannot bring loads of people all at once. So I'm not sure yet when I'll be writing about this again.

For this reason——I would like to implore you to watch the following video ASAP:


Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Knows That Writing Is Always Better Than Perfecting!"

P.S. This email is going out to over 22,000 people now. I have only a few spots left to work with me in my writing incubator. Therefore——if you want me to personally help you write and launch a book that brings in an additional $10,000 per month in recurring revenue——guaranteed, then please watch the above video today.A Man Who Wants to Help You Escape the Amazon Trap

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I am a man on a mission to create an army of independent writers, creators, and thinkers who make a killer living.



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