Your Life

Your Life

September 21, 20246 min read

Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Friday, 1:57 p.m

Dear Friend,

I am writing today to tell you about the life that is possible for you. I am going to tell you about this life because I want to make sure you can fully grasp what your life could be like if you choose to pursue the path of being an independent writer, creator, and thinker.

I believe if you want to write something, create knowledge, have an impact in the world——this life is not just possible, it is the life you deserve.

Picture this: It's a Tuesday morning. The sun is just peeking through your curtains, and you're waking up naturally——no alarm clock in sight. You stretch, feeling rested and energized, knowing that...

The Day Ahead Is Entirely Yours to Shape!

You grab your favorite pen and a fresh notecard, then settle into your cozy reading nook with a steaming cup of coffee. For the next few hours, you're lost in a world of ideas, connecting concepts from the books scattered around you, jotting down insights and installing them into your ever growing Antinet.

As lunchtime rolls around, you take a break to meet a friend for lunch. You chat about your latest project, and your friend's eyes light up with interest. "I can't wait to read your next piece of work," they say——and you feel a surge of excitement——knowing that your words are making a real impact. You almost can't believe you get to hang out with people like this.

In the afternoon, you sit down at your desk to write. The words flow effortlessly, fueled by the morning's reading session. What used to take you days now takes only an hour or so. Your ideas have sunk much deeper into you——become a part of you——because of how often you're writing by hand instead of getting distracted by digital noise. You're not just writing——you're crafting valuable knowledge that people are eager to pay for.

As evening approaches, you check your bank account and smile. Another batch of subscription payments has come through. You're making more money writing one thing a month than you ever did working a 9-to-5 job. You're doing it on your own terms, pursuing your passions, and helping others in the process.

This isn't just a dream. This is the life that could be waiting for you as an independent creator, writer, and thinker. A life where you're in control of your time, your income...

And Your Impact on the World!

But I get it. A lot of people don't believe this is possible. Maybe you're thinking, "I don't know how to set everything up," or "I'm not ready yet." Or worst of all, "This is too good to be true." I've heard it all before. And let me tell you, these doubts are just that——doubts. They're not facts.

Listen: if I can make a killer living by writing a newsletter about an academic German handwritten knowledge development system in a world where TikTok is popular and people eat Doritos...

You Can Make It Work!

The truth is, you don't need to be a tech wizard or have a massive following to make this happen. You don't need to be "ready"——whatever that means. What you need is a system. A roadmap. Someone to show you the ropes and guide you through the process.

And that's exactly what my program, Write to Freedom, does. It's not just about teaching you how to craft words——although we do that too. It's about giving you the exact steps you need to set up everything necessary to make a killer living writing one thing per month.

This is a complete, step-by-step guide to building your own analog knowledge business. From creating your first newsletter, removing the friction of shipping and fulfillment, to setting up your recurring revenue stream, we cover it all.

So if you're ready to stop dreaming about the writer's life and start living it, I've got something special for you.

In Write to Freedom, I take you by the hand and walk you through every step of the process. I show you how to take all that knowledge you've accumulated and turn it into something valuable. Something people will pay for every single month.

I'm not talking about writing a book and hoping it sells. I'm talking about creating a sustainable, recurring income stream by writing just one thing per month.

I would like to personally work with you and help you create, launch, and monetize your knowledge such that you are making a minimum of $12,000 per year guaranteed, and I won't stop working with you until I get you there. Furthermore, I will then give you the roadmap to scale to $20,000 per month and beyond.

So I ask you: Are you ready to stop consuming and start creating? Are you ready to turn your passion for knowledge into a thriving business? If so, I have news for you. You're ready now.

I've created a detailed 44-minute video that reveals every step of this powerful business model. It's the same model that took me to generating over $400,000 per month. In this video, you'll discover how to leverage the power of analog publishing in a digital world, and how to create a loyal tribe of subscribers who eagerly await your words.

Today is The Last Day!

After today, I will not be emailing you about this until spots open up again next month. Just think, in just a few days, the entire course of your life could change forever. Do you want that? Are you ready for it? Are you ready to grab hold of the life you could have if you just took that first step?

After today, you will not hear me talking about Write to Freedom until enrollment opens again next month. Watch the video now and take the first step towards turning your knowledge into a thriving business:

After watching, we can have a friendly, casual discussion about any questions you have. If it's a fit, great. If not, great——but at least you'll be educated about the best business model out there for independent thinkers and creators like yourself.

I have two spots available. This isn't some mass-market program where I dump a bunch of videos on you and wish you luck. I personally dedicate significant time to each person I work with. That means I can only take on a handful of new students at a time.

Don't let another day go by without taking action. Don't be the person who spends their life consuming information without ever creating anything of value. Be the person who changes lives with their words——one newsletter at a time.

Warm regards,

And always remember,

To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Wants You To Have The Life You Deserve!"

P.S. This email is going out to over 21,000 people now. I have limited spots to work with me in my writing incubator, because I personally dedicate a significant amount of time to each and every person I work with to ensure their success. The current enrollment closes down in just a few hours! I have only two spots available at the time of this writing!

Therefore, if you would like me to help you live your dream lifestyle and make six figures writing one thing a month——then here is a detailed video that shows you everything:

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If you enjoyed this piece...

Then get the work of art I'm most proud of——my labor of love——the thing I invest my heart and soul into every month——my physical monthly newsletter, The Scott Scheper Letter.

Pick up your 30-day trial here:

I donate five percent of all profits to

I am a man on a mission to create an army of independent writers, creators, and thinkers who make a killer living.



​+1 (949) 835-5125


30021 Tomas St, Suite 300, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688


Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. PT



​+1 (949) 835-5125


30021 Tomas St, Suite 300, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688


Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. PT

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