Hapless Obsidian Bubble Graph Bois
Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Sunday, 2:21 p.m.
Dear Friend,
About two years ago, I got into a heated Reddit debate with an individual about analog versus digital tools.
This person was a die-hard Obsidian evangelist. He had discovered my YouTube videos about the Antinet Zettelkasten and decided to let me know——in excruciating detail——why I was completely wrong about analog tools.
We went back and forth in the comments. He insisted that digital tools were "obviously superior." That my analog newsletter business model was "outdated" and "inefficient." He even wrote a long response about how he was going to launch his own digital newsletter and prove me wrong. A few days ago, I found myself thinking about this exchange and decided to look up his Reddit profile.
His digital newsletter never launched. In fact, his recent posts are still all about "optimizing his Obsidian workflow" and "finding the perfect plugin combination." Two years later, he's still stuck in the endless cycle of digital tool tinkering. Meanwhile, my "outdated" analog newsletter business has grown to over $300,000 per month.
This highlights a principle I talk about in Write to Freedom. The principle is...
First Imitate, Then Innovate!
Here's what this principle means: You must first imitate every single aspect of a new concept you learn. After you replicate it and have seen the results, then you can innovate based on the "control" you now have.
I recently read a book written by one of the best advertising men who ever lived. I'm talking about David Ogilvy——and specifically——I'm talking about his book titled, "Ogilvy on Advertising." On page 88 of this book, he talks about the importance of imitation. He writes...
"I copied Bob Gage for 5 years, I even copied the leading between his lines of type. And Bob originally copied Paul Rand, and Rand first copied a German typographer named Tschichold."
Ogilvy then continued, "I, too, started by copying. Working in a London agency, I used to copy the best American ads. Later, I began to do my own thing."
Notice how the word is "imitate." It is not "ripoff." You do not want to copy the copyrighted material of another (thereby ripping them off). Instead, you want to copy the "big-picture strategy." In other words——you want to copy the style and philosophy (not the actual content itself).
What I teach in my writing incubator Write to Freedom all centers around giving my people the exact framework for them to build and imitate a successful business model. One that I believe is the best business model out there for independent writers, researchers, and entrepreneurs.
After you build and launch this framework, then you can innovate and grow your business above and beyond what you thought was possible as an independent writer.
The reason I'm telling you about this is because I want to work with you personally and get you to $10,000 per month——guaranteed.
That's right—Garrin-freaking-teed!
I'm going to work with you and personally meet with you every single week until I get you to $10,000 per month by writing one thing a month. I will not stop working with you until we get there.
The only guarantee I ask for in return is your commitment to showing up. The guarantee of not quitting. The guarantee of saying "screw it, let's do it." I'm done with this bull crap. I'm done with living the life of what I call "Someday Syndrome" and I'm ready to write my way to freedom.
If that is you, then I would like to implore you to watch this detailed 44-minute video that shows you everything:
In this video, I break down the exact system that will take you from wherever you are now to $10,000 per month in recurring revenue——guaranteed.
I like to work with each of my people personally——which means——I have a limited capacity of how many people I can bring on under my wing. I cannot bring loads of people all at once. So I'm not sure yet when I'll be writing about this again.
For this reason——I would like to implore you to watch the following video ASAP:
Please Note: I'm Shutting Down The Active Enrollment Period on November 20th That's right. At 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on November 20th, I'll be shutting down the active enrollment period of Write to Freedom for the month. And—— If spots fill up sooner than this, Write to Freedom will close before then. For this reason, I recommend you watch the video above ASAP
Warm regards,
And always remember,
To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

Please Note: I'm Shutting Down The Active Enrollment Period on November 20th That's right. At 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on November 20th, I'll be shutting down the active enrollment period of Write to Freedom for the month. And—— If spots fill up sooner than this, Write to Freedom will close before then. For this reason, I recommend you watch the video above ASAP