Holiday Weekend Traffic
Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Sunday, 12:57 p.m.
Dear Friend,
Holiday weekend traffic is something else entirely. I was driving my Tesla Model S Plaid this morning——the fastest production car ever made——trying to get to the office with my perfectly crafted pour-over coffee.
The kind that took 15 minutes to make. The kind with single-origin beans from some remote mountain village that probably doesn't even exist. The traffic was crawling along the 5 freeway like a wounded snail.
Everyone and their mother seemed to be heading to San Diego for the weekend. I was getting antsy. My coffee was getting cold. Then some genius in a lifted truck decided to cut across three lanes without signaling...
And Nearly Took Off My Front Bumper!
Now, my Model S Plaid has over 1,000 horsepower. It can go from 0 to 60 in 1.98 seconds. It's faster than a Porsche 911 Turbo S, a Ferrari, and a Lamborghini. Usually, when someone pulls a stunt like this, I'd show them exactly what this beast can do. B
ut today was different. Because right as I was about to slam the accelerator, my "perfectly crafted" coffee decided to join the party. The lid popped off, and suddenly my pristine white interior looked like a Jackson Pollock painting——if Jackson Pollock worked exclusively in medium roast.
I spent the next hour trying to clean coffee out of places I didn't even know existed in my car. And as I'm sitting there, dabbing at coffee stains with overpriced microfiber towels, it hit me...
This Is Exactly What Most Writers Do!
They spend all their time trying to create the perfect conditions. The perfect writing setup. The perfect outline. The perfect marketing plan. They obsess over every little detail, thinking they need everything to be just right before they can start. Then life happens. Traffic happens. Coffee spills happen.
And they're left with nothing but stains and regret. The perfect conditions are a myth. The perfect time is a fantasy. The perfect plan is just another form of procrastination.
What matters is getting your book out into the world. What matters is connecting with potential superfans. What matters is creating something real that can actually help people.
This is exactly why I created Write to Freedom. It's not about perfection. It's about production. It's not about having everything figured out. It's about taking action——consistent, focused, deliberate action——that builds something meaningful.
And I'm so confident in this approach that I'll personally work with you until you're making $10,000 per month——guaranteed. Not $1,000. Not $5,000. Ten thousand dollars per month. Want to know exactly how this works?
I've created a detailed 44-minute video that shows you everything:
In this video, I break down the exact system that will take you from wherever you are now to $10,000 per month in recurring revenue——guaranteed.
I like to work with each of my people personally——which means——I have a limited capacity of how many people I can bring on under my wing. I cannot bring loads of people all at once. So I'm not sure yet when I'll be writing about this again.
For this reason——I would like to implore you to watch the following video ASAP:
Please Note: I'm Shutting Down The Active Enrollment
Warm regards,
And always remember,
To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Knows Perfect is the Enemy of Done!!"
Please Note: I'm Shutting Down The Active Enrollment Period on November 20th That's right. At 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on November 20th, I'll be shutting down the active enrollment period of Write to Freedom for the month. And—— If spots fill up sooner than this, Write to Freedom will close before then. For this reason, I recommend you watch the video above ASAP