How To Be Dumb
Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California.
Saturday, 8:03 a.m.
Dear Friend,
I want to tell you about an old comic strip that perfectly illustrates the problem facing most writers, creators, thinkers, and entrepreneurs. The comic is incredibly simple, but the point it makes is essential for writers to understand.
It's from an old Dennis The Menace strip. A single frame. Dennis sits in a chair with a cat on his lap. Below this image is the quote:
"How come dumb stuff seems so smart while you're doin' it?"
This, my friend, is the lesson every entrepreneur must understand. So many entrepreneurs spend their time doing dumb stuff that feels incredibly smart while they're doing it.
They're creating beautiful bubble graphs in Obsidian. They're "optimizing" their productivity systems. They're watching YouTube videos about other people's morning routines. They're tweaking their website fonts for the seventeenth time. They're installing yet another Chrome extension to "streamline their workflow."
All while avoiding the essential things that actually move the needle:
Cultivating real knowledge
Writing by hand
Creating something substantial
And there's one universal skill——one that's not hip, not the flavor of the month, not being shouted about by gurus on Twitter——that matters more than all the shiny tools combined:
Writing a Book With Notecards, Pens, Paper, and Your Very Own Mind!
Not AI-generated slop. Not PDF lead magnets that no one will ever read. Not "ultimate guides" that disappear into the digital void.
I'm talking about a concise, targeted piece of knowledge that only you could write.
This is exactly why I'm so excited to share the method I use to write and finish a book in just 3 days in Issue No. 24 of The Scott Scheper Letter.
Because in Issue No. 24, I'm going to reveal my complete system for writing a book in just three days——the same method that 48 people recently paid $5,000 to learn in a private workshop. This is a proven method that has helped dozens of writers go from blank page to finished manuscript in just 72 hours.
Think about what that means: On a Friday, you sit down with nothing but note cards and a pen. By Saturday, you have a clear structure. By Sunday, your ideas are flowing. Monday morning? A complete book manuscript. A real, substantial book that could become the lifeblood of your business——just like my book became the foundation of mine.
All I ask is that you cover the shipping cost for your first issue——just $9.86.
Think about that investment for a moment:
Less than ten bucks to learn how to create something real. Something substantial. Something that could transform your life the same way my book transformed mine.
And unlike all those "smart-feeling" tasks that keep you busy but get you nowhere, this is something that will serve you for life. A skill you can use again and again to build movements, attract tribes, and create real change in the world.
But you must act now.
Once Issue No. 24 ships, this opportunity disappears forever. I only do one print of each of these issues, and once this one is gone, it is gone for good.
To get started, simply click below:
Warm regards,
And always remember,
To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Knows the Difference Between Smart and Dumb Stuff!"
P.S. The Scott Scheper Letter introduces cutting-edge thought frameworks relating to Zettelkasten, writing, entrepreneurship, marketing, and——becoming a successful solopreneur.
Once the deadline is passed, you will not be able to get the issue. Here's the link to pick up your free 30-day trial (just pay shipping & materials of $9.86):