New Book: Guide to the Gates
Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Monday, 1:29 p.m.
Dear Friend,
Several years ago——before I set out on writing my Antinet Zettelkasten book——I was burnt out. I was suffering from brain fog. I had no idea which direction I wanted to go with my future, and quite frankly, I was simply trying to figure out my next move in life.
In this state, I did something that, looking back, I now realize was the most important factor in the incredible amount of success I enjoy today. Instead of racing into the next project, instead of diving into some new fascinating industry or thing, I decided to take a step back. I removed myself from the world for several months and went into a deep dive into understanding myself, my history, and my genetic composition. I realize that may sound weird, so let me break this into more pragmatic language.
First, I started with an AncestryDNA test, and I got the actual true makeup of who I am. I thought I was only French and German. However, I discovered that I had just as much Irish and Scottish in me. (This, in turn, made me realize why I enjoyed the movie Boondock Saints so freaking much.)
In addition to this, I chased down my family tree using Ancestry, and I discovered all of my relatives and saw that some of them came from Germany, some came from Basque, some came from France, and some from Cork, Ireland.
What was crazy about this was that about six months prior, I had decided to go on an aimless wandering journey around the world. I spent about a month in Switzerland and a month driving around the coast and hills of Ireland——camping out at various Airbnbs.
Oddly, one area in Ireland that I ended up at was Cork. In doing my ancestry research, I found that my relatives were from Cork. For some reason, I decided that Cork felt like a very serene, amazing place, and without even knowing this——six months prior——I had spent three weeks living there.
In addition to doing my ancestry research, I also did some writing and reflection, and several personality tests. While this was extremely helpful, there are actually several problems with personality tests, which I'll get into in a second. But first, I must offer this preface: To be honest, I'm not into astrology, numerology, angel numbers or any of that stuff. My wife is, but I simply have never taken the astrology pill and taken a dive into that world.
However, I have found personality tests to be valuable tools, but I have since discovered that there are several problems with personality tests. You see, first off, they're based off of self-assessment, and as you may well know, the easiest person to fool is ourselves. With personality tests, there is a worm at the core——we answer the questions based on what we want our personality to be and not necessarily what our personality is.
Therefore, the personality result that we're given is essentially even more susceptible to fooling ourselves. This is why I'm excited to share with you a new tool and a whole new lens of not only understanding yourself so that you can have an amazing 2025——but understanding how you take action, your energy, your decisions, and everything that goes into shaping who you are.
This new framework centers around a concept called "Human Design."
Human Design is a combination of several fields——the I Ching, quantum physics, the Kabbalah, and more. It is a very fluid and fascinating system. I've gotten to know more about this system and I find it so intriguing that I want to share it with you.
You see, unlike personality tests, Human Design revolves around actions. It revolves around your energy. It revolves around your genetic composition, not around biased answers that you give some personality quiz.
After you understand the components of Human Design, you will have a much better understanding of yourself—— and as a result, you will experience way more success flowing to you calmly and easily.
When I was at this point before writing my Antinet Zettelkasten book, and when I felt myself lost and filled with brain fog——I wish that I had the Human Design framework in front of me to dive into.
Once you understand yourself better, you will be able to attract success to you very easily and calmly——instead of "grinding away" and experiencing burnout.
The question I want to ask you is: Why is it that we jump into taking massive action and doing before we truly understand our genetic nature and our composition——meaning the way we make decisions——the way our energy flows?
What if this year, going into 2025, there was a way to dive into the concept of Human Design and truly understand yourself without having to pour through the typical books out there——which, to be quite frank, get a little crazy and woo-woo and out there?
In fact, they also get overly complex. Most books out there on Human Design are between 500 to 900 pages. They go deep down the rabbit hole into spiritual minutia and a bunch of gibberish without clearly and elegantly explaining how it can impact and how you can use it in your day-to-day life.
This is why I am so freaking excited to share with you a new book that just launched. It is called Guide to the Gates by one of the smartest, most driven person I know. Her name is Kat Reinhart. She is a brilliant software engineer, programmer, thinker, and doer. She is the epitome of being an independent, creative thinker.
You'll get a clear understanding of Human Design and how it can impact your life——without having to pour through 900 pages of minutiae. She has created an easy-to-reference book with all the stats, histograms, and summaries that will allow you to quickly apply and gain a self-understanding of your genetic composition, energy, decision-making, personal way of operating——such that you will have an incredible 2025.
Here's the best part: Kat is so committed to helping people transform their life that she's decided to make her book available right now for free. All you have to do is pay the shipping and printing cost of $11.10. (Yes, there is deep numerology baked into that number, and yes, that covers the cost of both printing and shipping the book directly to your doorstep.)

Listen——and I swear to God this is true——one of the most important things I ever did was gain a deep understanding and self-assessment of myself, my energy, my genetic makeup, my personality, and my decision-making before I took massive action.
And in doing so——that resulted in me deciding to pursue the crazy wild path of writing a book called Antinet Zettelkasten. As a result, I am making over $300,000 a month.
I am no longer experiencing brain fog or burnout. I have an amazing, incredible family, a beautiful son at home, and it all started by taking a step back and instead of just hacking away at a tree, I sat back, gained a self-assessment of who I am, sharpened my axe and launched into the best year of my life.
I would like to invite you to do the same.
It all starts with picking up a free copy of Kat's book Guide to the Gates. You can get your copy here:
Warm regards,
And always remember,
To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Has A Guide To The Gates!"
P.S. I do not get an affiliate fee for promoting Kat's book. I'm doing it because, (a) I've read Guide to the Gates and I think it has the potential to change your life in 2025, and (b) I've worked closely with Kat over the past several months through my writing incubator, Write to Freedom. In doing so, I've seen Kat's commitment to writing, spiritual growth and learning. She's one of my favorite individuals on the planet——she's extremely sharp and driven. Plus, her writing is hilarious! Trust me. You would do well to not only pick up Kat's book, but also take up her special offer and join her community (you'll see this after you purchase his book).
P.S. #2: Here's the link again:
(Pick it up at this special price. No promises on it being available at this price for long.)