The Decision
Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Monday, 6:00 p.m.
Dear Friend,
2024 has been the best year of my life. I got married to my wife and we had our first child together, Mr. Fitzgerald Scott Scheper——a.k.a."Fitzy." Not only this, but my business life has taken off as well.
The knowledge business that I have created now does over $300,000 per month. That's right——month after month after month.
Here's the crazy part: This business model is built on the most old-school, fundamental, and simple three-part model that anyone can implement if and only if they have focus.
That's right, focus.
Actually, I'll add one more thing to the mix. Before one can focus on building this simple, yet insanely powerful business model, they need to make a decision.
Before I built this knowledge business, I made a decision to go all in. I said, "Enough is enough."
The Symphony That You'll Write Tomorrow Will Never Get Written!
It starts today. It starts now. What I'm talking about is you making the extraordinary leap to make a decision.
There are a million excuses for why you should not embark on building your own knowledge business. And by knowledge business, I mean creating a piece of work——a book that you were born to write, to create, and to serve and help others.
There are a million reasons for one to put that off for another day. For instance, the upcoming holidays——you reason to yourself, "I'll get started during the new year in January." And then guess what? January comes and goes before you know it, and then it's Valentine's Day, and then it's March and St. Patrick's Day. And then, oh well, you have to work on your taxes for the April deadline.
And then before you know it, almost half the year is gone and you still haven't made a decision.
Therefore, I want to invite you——no, I want to implore you——to get a jumpstart on the year 2025. I want you to start 2025 by making a decision today to go all in on betting on yourself and building a knowledge business and writing a book, creating a piece of work that will make you six figures writing one thing per month.
That's it. I want you to at least be curious enough to watch a detailed video that outlines this business model.
After you watch the video, I'll be presenting something to you such that I will give you the opportunity to work together with me. And this opportunity comes with a $10,000 per month guaranteed commitment.
That's right——I will not stop working with you until I get you to $10,000 per month guaranteed.
Therefore, if you would like to make a decision today and get a jumpstart on 2025 before it escapes you, then please watch this video now:
Warm regards,
And always remember,
To stay crispy, my friend.
Scott P. Scheper
"A Man Who Gives You The Opportunity to Make a Decision Today!"