The Invasion Has Begun
Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Sunday, 7:13 a.m.
Dear Friend,
The invasion has begun. Every year, like clockwork, it starts. First, it's subtle——a few string lights here, a wreath there. Then suddenly, BOOM! Full-scale Christmas assault on all your senses. Starbucks has unleashed their entire arsenal of peppermint-flavored weapons. Their baristas, wearing those little red aprons, are pumping syrupy concoctions into red cups faster than Santa's elves on amphetamines.
"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" is playing EVERYWHERE. I swear I heard it in three different stores yesterday, each playing it at slightly different times, creating this weird Christmas echo chamber that made me question my sanity.
The mall looks like Christmas threw up all over it. There are inflatable Santas on every corner, some of them 20 feet tall, swaying ominously in the wind like jolly giants ready to topple onto unsuspecting shoppers.
My neighbor——God bless his Christmas-obsessed soul——has somehow managed to use enough lights to be visible from the International Space Station. His electric bill probably looks like the GDP of a small nation.
And don't even get me started on the Hallmark Channel. They've apparently discovered a way to make the exact same movie 47 different times, just with slightly different attractive people falling in love in slightly different small towns with suspiciously perfect snow.
Whether you're a Christmas zealot who starts playing carols in July, or a modern-day Scrooge who wants to pop every inflatable reindeer you see——you cannot escape it. It's unmistakable. It's unmissable. It's undeniable.
Christmas builds an empire in your mind. It takes over your sensory inputs. It becomes part of your daily experience——whether you want it to or not. And that's exactly what I'm going to teach you to create for your ideal readers——not just during December, but all year long.
You see, most people approach writing a book all wrong. They think success means uploading some random PDF to Amazon KDP, crossing their fingers, and praying to the algorithm gods for visibility.
They end up with a book that looks like thousands of others, sitting there collecting digital dust, earning them enough money over three years to maybe buy one of those fancy Starbucks Christmas drinks.
That's Not What We Do in Write to Freedom!
In this writing incubator, you'll discover how to create something your ideal readers can't ignore——a physical monthly newsletter that generates $10,000 per month by writing just one thing.
Not another forgettable email lost in an overcrowded inbox. Not another PDF buried in their downloads folder. Not another online course they'll feel guilty about never finishing. Instead, you'll create something real. Something tangible. Something that arrives in their mailbox like a gift every single month.
A physical piece of knowledge they can hold in their hands. Something that sits on their nightstand. Something they fall asleep reading. Something that becomes part of their private reading space——and eventually, part of their life. This creates a relationship that digital content can never achieve. Because let's be honest——when was the last time you developed an emotional connection with a PDF?
And as this relationship develops, scaling your business becomes almost effortless. Because the knowledge you pass on becomes that thing that's always on their mind. Just like you can't escape Christmas in December, your ideal readers won't be able to escape your influence. I show you how to find a group of people that will find what you have to say irresistible. People who will make your ideas part of their daily lives.
Heck, even people who completely disagree with my methodology are forced to think about me. They see those questioning Reddit comments. They feel that deep, lurking feeling that maybe creating thousands of Obsidian connections——and not actually creating anything of value——isn't a good way to spend their time.
Which brings me to something that might sound insane...
I want to work with you personally until you're making $10,000 per month——guaranteed.
That's right. I'm going to show you exactly how to build your own analog empire. How to create something so powerful, so unmissable, that your ideal readers can't help but think about it every single day.
Want to know exactly how this works?
I've created a detailed 44-minute video that shows you everything:
I only have a six spots left, and enrollment closes on December 20th.
Think about it: Instead of another forgotten book on Amazon, you could be building something unforgettable. Instead of hoping for visibility, you could be impossible to ignore.
The choice is yours. But you must act now.
Watch the video here:
Warm regards,
And always remember,
To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Builds Analog Empires!"