Unlikely Holiday Goldmine
Scott P. Scheper
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Sunday, 8:37 a.m.
Dear Friend,
I want to tell you about some of the most important discoveries in history. And more importantly, I want to tell you about something they have in common. I want to tell you about this because I believe it could be the key that unlocks the door to your dream life if you're having trouble taking action. Or more importantly, if you feel like you don't have the time right now.
Newton wasn't sitting at his desk when he discovered gravity. He was lounging under an apple tree.
Archimedes didn't have his "Eureka!" moment while grinding away at calculations. He was taking a bath.
Einstein's theory of relativity didn't come to him during office hours at the patent agency. It came while he was daydreaming about riding alongside a beam of light.
The biggest breakthroughs rarely happen when we're "working."
They happen in those strange, in-between moments. Those times when our normal patterns get disrupted. Those moments when new connections form in our minds. As we approach the holidays, a lot of people will tell me they have less time. "Scott, there's too much going on. Too many activities. Too many obligations."
But here's what they're missing:
While the holidays might leave you "time poor," they make you "connection rich." Think about it: You'll have conversations with relatives you haven't seen in months. You'll revisit places that spark old memories. You'll spend hours in airports and car rides with nothing but your thoughts. You'll experience those strange "dead days" between Christmas and New Year's where time seems to stand still.
These aren't distractions from your work——they're fuel for it. One conversation with your eccentric uncle might unlock the theme of your book. One childhood memory might reveal the perfect opening chapter. One quiet moment in a crowded airport might spark an insight worth more than a hundred hours at your desk.
Which is exactly why I created Write to Freedom——an incubator for independent writers, creators, and thinkers who want to turn their knowledge into real income.
When you join Write to Freedom, something extraordinary happens. You're not just signing up for a program. You're planting a sword in the ground. You're making a declaration that changes how you see everything.
It's like putting on a new pair of glasses. Suddenly, every conversation becomes potential content. Every memory becomes possible material. Every random thought could be the seed of your next chapter. Suddenly, those "wasted" holiday moments become opportunities. Those "distractions" become inspiration. Those "time-poor" days become insight-rich treasures.
Because once you've committed to writing your book——once you've declared your intention to build something meaningful——your mind starts working differently. It starts collecting ideas. It starts making connections. It starts seeing opportunities.
And when you couple this new mindset with the strange liminal spaces of the holiday season? That's when the magic happens. Which is why I want to make you what might sound like an insane guarantee:
I will personally work with you until you're making $10,000 per month——guaranteed.
That's right. While everyone else is using the holidays as an excuse to delay their dreams——you could be turning these moments of insight into real, recurring revenue. Because I will personally work with you, week after week, until you hit that milestone.
Want to know exactly how this works?
I've created a detailed 44-minute video that shows you everything:
In this video, I break down the exact system that will take you from wherever you are now to $10,000 per month in recurring revenue——guaranteed.
I like to work with each of my people personally——which means——I have a limited capacity of how many people I can bring on under my wing. I cannot bring loads of people all at once. So I'm not sure yet when I'll be writing about this again.
For this reason——I would like to implore you to watch the following video ASAP:
Warm regards,
And always remember,
To stay crispy, my friend.

Scott P. Scheper

"A Man Who Knows Insights Strike in Strange Places!"